Triggering Article 5 is a wilful act on the part of member countries. It’s not like a munitions dump catching on fire or something that can happen by accident.
I mean if you don’t genuinely think that NATO countries might be like “welp, there’s some kind of cyber attack on British Airways and there could well have been Russian state involvement, guess we all have to launch World War 3” then don’t post it. If that does sound like a genuine possibility to you, stop posting entirely.
I understand how Article 5 works. Maybe you should take it up with the Secretary General of NATO, because if he didn’t think it was a possibility he shouldn’t have said it publicly.
If you take a few words out and make it,
“There’s a cyber attack on British Airways and there was Russian state involvement, guess we all have to launch World War 3."
Yeah that’s feasible. A cyber attack on a NATO member could definitely start WW3 right now.
Cyber experts have identified a new strain of computer-disabling malware unleashed on Ukrainian targets as part of Russia’s offensive, as the UK government and banks said they were on alert for online attacks.
Alexi Drew, a senior analyst at RAND Europe, a research institute, said cyber offensives carried the risk of escalating rapidly if attacks spill over widely into other countries, although in the case of HermeticWiper the malware does not appear to be self-propogating, whereas NotPetya was able to spread. Further attacks, however, could be different, she added. “There’s a history of cyber-attacks not staying where they’re meant to go. If you look at NotPetya, the splash damage there was significant. There is a danger here of escalation because offensive cyber activity is fundamentally not very good at staying where you put it.”
I highly doubt NATO will trigger article 5 on the basis of a spilled cyber attack