Ukraine, Russia, and the West

symptoms consistent with poisoning with chemical weapons

To be fair, that could be just about anything.

When the Ukrainian negotiators got there and saw this guy on the Russian side,

They should have known to get the hell out.



Sure, but the way it’s framed made me think of a specific type of chemical weapons and this article on reddit makes me think it even more:

“Abramovich, and two senior Ukrainian officials, are said to have developed peeling skin on their faces and hands, red eyes, and constant and painful tearing, the paper reported.”

Obviously not much to go on, but sure sounds like an anticholinergic syndrome which is classically associated with BZ, although lots of things can cause it. It was allegedly used in Syria according to the wiki page.

On the one hand, this doesn’t make any sense, but on the other hand it would be so on-brand for Russia to poison diplomats as a pure troll. I don’t know what to think.

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Potential outcomes of Russian invasion of Ukraine discussion (WWIII/nukes?)

2017 Russian vehicles lost, of which 318 tanks:

Moved the death of Putin discussion to Ukraine outcomes thread where it fits better and so this one can stay focused on news.

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Use of chemical weapons is one thing that might get NATO involved more directly in Ukraine. Ukraine has been begging the US to get more involved in the war. The sources for the story are Ukrainians via the the CIA front Bellingcat. Would the intelligence community or the Ukrainians be above, I don’t know, lying about this? As you say, it makes absolutely zero sense for Russia to do this, or to use chemical weapons at all in Ukraine (they can kill as many or more with massed artillery, and with a tiny fraction of the risk of escalation).

I don’t know anything about negotiating but I think I’d do like sodium pentothal in the water or weed in the brownies to get people more agreeable. Maybe keep it simple and serve vodka.

Maybe! It definitely makes no sense, but did it make sense to use chemical weapons to try to assassinate people in the UK? Not in any obvious way, but they did it anyways.

As you say, it makes absolutely zero sense for Russia to do this,

Chemical weapons are more insidious and terrifying.

Also, why would you assume that Russia has zero stratagems that involve provoking NATO?

It’d make no sense for Russia to use nukes and yet people are afraid of it.

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Uh, the only sources I can find making this claim are super fucking dubious. And that’s a charitable description.

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Russia: the USC football of world economies.


Glory to Ukraine

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Fingers crossed, Russia’s shrinking war demands

The NATO thing doesn’t seem to be too bad if we can just arm Ukraine enough to make Russia think twice about invading again.

this is such a standard line for Krelmin bots. they literally have said that about nemzov’s murder and navalny’s poisoning, cyber attacks on the west, etc.

Nobody did anything about Chiner and Fauci’s bio weapon. Why do we think NATO will do anything about Rushers grey poupon gas?