Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Supposedly he makes the claim in this video. Love to see a translated transcript.

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translation is largely accurate. he also says bellingcat will be releasing a full investigation soon

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Pretty sure the issue is pilots who can fit in the cockpit.


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This thing looks pretty crazy.

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Very creepy. Me no like these weapons any more. They are all nightmare inducing.

Russia may have already have used creepier stuff. Autonomous drones.

Possibly, but either way the fact that we live in a world where this kind of stuff needs to be developed is terrifying to me.

Tanks sure as hell not looking great these days.

Feel sorry for the army guy that has to testify in a hearing to Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham that they need more money for drones and less for tanks.

Was reading yesterday that the Ottomans beat the Egyptian Mamlucks because they went hard into guns while the mamlucks stuck with cavalry. Probably 1000 different examples of this in the history of warfare.

Times change, and personalist military regimens are known for their embrace of change.

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Greek hoplites vs Persians at Thermopylae

(I know The Greeks eventually lost the battle but they won the war)

It’s not any safer to be caught in the open dismounted outside the APC. Modern tank armor can still defeat less sophisticated weapons like RPGs and western tanks have active countermeasures to try to jam incoming missiles, though apparently not the flares you see from helicopters. You also need something to transport the infantry around, one of the core problems with relying on infantry is it’s slow.

It just occurred to me that the Chornobyl exclusion zone covers most of the land area between Belarus and Kyiv. That has had some effect on the war including lower civilian casualties.

Well the good news is that this is a defensive weapon that can’t really go after civilians. It could shoot down a civilian airliner - but a lot of things can do that.

I mean, OK, if you insist.

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With this shit out there what are ya doing with tanks?

You use the tank to destroy the building it is being controlled from after the infantry has identified it as a target, or maybe the thermal optics in the tank were able to find the enemy first. Infantry can’t carry enough firepower to level a building.


Michael Kofman addresses tanks on this podcast (skip the first 20 mins with the other guy) Endgame in Sight: Analysis of the the war in Ukraine (March 27, 2022) - Geopolitics Decanted by Silverado. alt link ‎Geopolitics Decanted by Silverado on Apple Podcasts

He says he’s less skeptical than some others about tanks because they are still fairly useful compared with other options, at least in the appropriate context.

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Finland not to be fucked with

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Vice reporting on the fight in the south

Major trigger warning. A lot of dead bodies

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