Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Agreed. Also got to wonder how much the sanctions effect this as well. I’m guessing that properly running airplanes requires a bunch of spare parts, and I suspect that there may be some shortages of various things at the moment.

My family just calls that an “Italian shower”, so my guess is that it’s a common thing to make fun of a nationality (your own preferably, which is what it is in our case).

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I’ve heard it referred to as a Mexican shower in HS in So. Cal.

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A ‘wash in a can’

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Just to even things out, I’ll shower but don’t always use deodorant.


New weekly podcast from probably the best Ukraine war analyst.

My stepdad called it something I’m not going to repeat here.

You mean additional risk.

Cause I got “zero”.

You mean minimum. But that might come at the cost of more risk later. It looks like minimum risk then and more now is pretty much what we got.

I’m not saying nostalgia for Russian empire or whatever is a total non-factor in this war, but much of what Russia is doing is explainable in prosaic terms of control of resources etc.

Resources are an incomplete explanation. Putin himself? He explains his actions in terms of empire. He doesn’t spend a lot of time talking about a land bridge to Crimea or the oil and gas in the Donbas or wheat or whatever. Marvel Villain Brain is a simplification that works.

i won’t link it here, but damn at the video of stray dogs eating away at a soldier’s corpse. geotags and timestamps appear authentic, presumption is that’s a russian soldier whose body wasn’t picked up by the russian army.

How precious.

“There is nothing greater that the Academy Awards could do than to give [Zelenskiy] an opportunity to talk to all of us,” Penn said. “It is my understanding that a decision has been made not to do it. That is not me commenting on whether or not President Zelenskiy had wanted to.”

Penn suggested that if the Academy had “elected not to pursue the leadership in Ukraine, who are taking bullets and bombs for us, along with the Ukrainian children that they are trying to protect, then I think every single one of those people and every bit of that decision will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history.”

Get over yourself Sean.

I love you baby
But face it she’s Madonna
No man on earth
Could say that he don’t want her
This look of love
Says I’m leaving
You’re frozen now
I’ve done the freezing
I’m walking out
Madonna’s calling me

Sean Bean, which is a Sean, but not a Penn. Still.


Maybe he should go full Terminator 2



Hasan’s takes on the war and especially the ASOV battalion are a little queer. He is trying to have his cake and eat it too, and doing a lot of “I’m saying, not saying”.

He acts like it is life’s duty to expose anything bad related to Ukraine and he is very sensitive about being called on it.