Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

There’s a spectrum from indifferent to actively encouraging. The Rape of Nanking was orchestrated from the top. In the massacre at El Mozote a Salvadorean major had to come in and give the troops a pep talk when they balked at killing the children after slaughtering all their parents.

As far as the savages thing, I think it’s human nature when one country is clearly playing the evil aggressor. At the end of WWII, British civilians wanted to slaughter the German POWs. By the end of their time rebuilding the country, the mood about the Germans improved immeasurably.

Guys, after extensive research I think I’ve identified the chromosome that makes a large group of people more prone to violence. It’s the Y chromosome.


Like I said there’s a spectrum of indifference. An official policy of looking the other way while Russian troops take out their revenge on innocent civilians is still a policy. It’s not like they stopped at Germany’s borders either. What did the average Ukrainian villager do to them?

Soldiers had to help carry out the Holodomor, just like soldiers had to help carry out the Holocaust.

Again, I think soldiers are the same everywhere. It’s not hard to motivate them to do horrible things during a war. But let’s not pretend all military leadership is the same level of evil.

it’s testosterone.

If I remember my school biology classes correctly, chromosomes/DNA drive the hormones that are generated in the body, although I am sure I’m massively simplifying here.

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As with most things in biology, the interplay between genetics and hormonal regulation is complex and imprecisely understood.

By this you mean do all the hookers and blow we can get our hands on while ranting uncontrollably?


One thing I recently found out that shocked me is that while the Western front of WW2 was a conventional war the Eastern front was a genocidal race war. The war itself was the genocide of Slavic people. Their plan was to mass murder around 100 million people. It’s just absolute insanity. I suppose they didn’t teach us this in school because it gave a sympathetic view of the Soviets.

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And because the people with those genocidal aspirations have continued to be “strategic” under the table paramilitary allies of NATO throughout eastern Europe up to and including the present day, for geopolitical and ideological reasons, violently destroying populist and left wing movements

And now in Ukraine the paramilitary has become official military

No. The people who had genocidal aspirations were hung at Nuremberg.

JFC Azov is like 600 ppl. Stop slurping up tankie propaganda.

What are your thoughts on the Holodomor? The Imperial West’s fault somehow?

Except the the Russian army did nearly as bad to Eastern Europe on their way back through, and then the Soviets brutally subjugated them for 50 years.

Although tbf Ukraine was also genocidally terrible to Jews leading up to WWII.

How does this thread keep turning into bashing the West for Russia invading Ukraine?

Can you be more specific?

Some might claim that it wasn’t taught to make the Holocaust seem more unique.

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i explained how that allegation came to be in my post. what’s idiotic about that? it’s not my opinion.

you are reading way too much into allegations. i didn’t post this or try to sway the impression that way

I see the White House is warning that Russia intends to launch cyber attacks on US infrastructure, which would not be very surprising. Should be interesting.

I think it’s fairly obtuse to post it and not assume it’d be interpreted that way (even if it wasn’t intended that way). It’s a fairly ridiculous suggestion (the Russian actions) - that yes … cannot be categorically disproven. I guess to each their own on interpretation, just thought I’d add my two cents because Victor has been banned for a week and so can’t reply.

like do you want me to cite them? link the videos? translate them for you?

here’s lolnewsweek. it’s still an allegation, although it’s not an empty allegation that russia isn’t collecting their dead bodies.