Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

Do you think indigenous peoples were deserved targets of deadly force?

As a class? No, of course not, because they didn’t deserve deadly violence, in stark contrast with the class of Russian soldiers invading Ukraine. It really isn’t hard if you aren’t tripping over your own dick in a desperate ploy to dunk on your forum enemies. We don’t have to pretend that dehumanizing language is always bad, just like we don’t have to pretend that something far worse, actual deadly violence, is always bad. You yourself have admitted that you can tell the difference between when deadly violence is justified and when it is not, so you should also be able to tell when dehumanizing language is dangerous and when it is irrelevant (because you’ve already decided something far worse is justified).

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Now is a good time to read up on what genocide is, since you’re admittedly unfamiliar. Speaking of dangerous language, bandying about terms you don’t understand qualifies.

This is not what Wookie said.

Can you please calm down and start over with less snark? I’m not following whatever point you’re trying to make.


I agree with you that demonizing an enemy is a bad thing. I feel like I said as much already.

I hope Ukraine kills as many patriotic Russians as is humanly possible.

What I also hope is that they kill Putin and thereby eliminate the need to destroy those who follow his orders.

You should work on your reading comprehension. That is an inaccurate framing of the sequence of posts and likes.

I don’t understand what you’re “pushing back on” or why. I will admit to being a bit oblivious, which is why I am asking for clarification. afaict I’m generally in agreement that it’s not great to demonize people.

Okay, that’s a more clear answer. I disagree with said posters, though in the context of Russia firing missiles at apartment complexes last night I get why they’re taking this position.

This is a laughably dishonest characterization of what I said, but entirely predictable

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Feel free to clarify it. Who fucked around and who found out? Was that amount of finding out proportional to the amount of fucking around?

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NK fought a war of aggression and attempted to subjugate a whole other set of people. The consequences of a full scale modern war are their fault, and can’t be used to blame the USA for their lack of future growth. That what was what microbet was doing, which is absurd, and historically inaccurate besides.

Carry on

Posting that “sometimes you fuck around and find out” is not the same thing as supporting the means of finding out. Do you see why?

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I figured you were just being aggressive towards Microbet as usual, not that you were actually arguing the US carried no blame for the Korean War and ensuing outcomes.

Absurd and historically inaccurate, indeed.

I guess to put it in terms you’d understand, the Americans and South Korean leadership were fucking around, while it was mostly the Korean people (North and South) who “found out”


Oh shit, I liked this post, I must be in favor of genocide.

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Lol. Again, not even attempting to be honest.

Then how am I supposed to read these sentences?

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