Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

I’m not sure if it would be truly brilliant or the dumbest thing ever for the big propaganda lie about China to be “they treat Muslims the way a significant minority of Americans wish the US government treated American Muslims”.

The US government treats undocumented immigrants and other prisoners that way and, since the most similar countries have about 1/6th as many people in prison per capita as the US, it’s perfectly clear to me that we have about two million people in “camps” who shouldn’t be. So, whatabout complete and the US doesn’t get off any hooks. Would 20% of the country put 3 million American Muslims in camps if they could? Maybe.

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And Denmark wouldn’t be any better if they were in charge of the world either. Countries all suck.

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Victor is a very good poster though and I’m glad for the opportunity to chat with him in other places more thoughtfully than can be done here.

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Do you look at the NYT sports page and say “Tonight’s game will determine Rangers’ first round opponent? Yeah, I bet!”?

Why do you think you believe organizations with editors, people on the ground witnessing and reporting these situations less than randoms on substack with zero first hand knowledge or experience about the same topic?

“3-2 Yankees yesterday? Hmm prob fake news should check substack and find out what really happened.”

Well, at least we have here the one and only guy on this forum who knows how to criticize mainstream journalism.

You have said you do not trust the mainstream media several times here. Your default opinion was that they were lying about a literal genocide.

You have said they are untrustworthy and liars.

This is lame trolling.

I’m not American Victor. I dont really like America. Your reads and comprehension abilities are dreadful and lazy.

Nothing is stopping Victor from being thoughtful here.


This is very lazy trolling.

At least when you posted the joke about you doing “due diligence” in researching a subject you were ignorant about, the punchline was funny. When do we have to wait for you to do the smallest amount of work possible though? Another few days? Weeks?

Cool man, just post that you aren’t sure a genocide is happening because the NYT has reported about it again.

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@Vict0ar if you had dedicated half the time done making these posts you’d already be convinced about the Uyghur genocide. Saying ‘WE CAN’T BE SURE WHO IS RIGHT’ isn’t some new method of genocide denialism.

You aren’t clever. You haven’t come up with something new. It’s straight from the playbook of holocaust denialists. They do the exact same shit you’re doing.

Many NY Times (et al) journalists have an incestuous relationship with the government and many will commit any form of journalistic malpractice in order to maintain those relationships. Anyone in denial of that deserves as much scorn as you’re getting ITT.

It can also be true that such institutions also have honest journalists who do their professional best to do good work.

Has the NY Times ever published articles about Uyghurs being turned away from lodgings across China? My wife used to work for the Chinese branch of a Turkish company and the Uyghurs in her office wouldn’t go on business trips to non-tier one cities because of the trouble getting them a hotel would be. This preceded the “Strike Hard” campaign by a few years. This sort of discrimination isn’t some secret in China, either. In early 2019 “Green Book” was huge in China among young English speakers. In conversations when I’d bring this discrimination up I’d get none of the pushback I’d get talking about the camps and absurd prison sentences because it’s common knowledge.

This is all a red herring, though. No one is saying “trust the NY Times to understand what’s happening in Xinjiang”. Show me the Uyghurs in the diaspora shouting from rooftops begging an end to the humiliating lies.

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You’re right you didn’t do the former but you sure are doing the latter!

You can start with the damn wiki article on it.

Here are some things I have found compelling. Two BBC articles and two reports by human rights organizations if you really want to deep dive.

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Right, because you can’t use what someone says/writes on other topics to help put their opinions on a specific topic into context.

I was in Xinjiang a few years ago, and while obviously I didn’t witness any genocide the Uyghur situation over there was unambiguously bleak and repressive. There are plenty of Uyghurs who have publicly detailed what goes on in these re-education camps

You’d have to leave the country you live in that is oppressive, evil and on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue in the world according to your posts.

Oh man I wonder what kind of fantastic deep discussion you and MB have with trash like this

Sorry for the mis-speak, I meant I didn’t physically see any people getting shipped off the re-education camps or anything like that, bc obv the govt would never allow a tourist to be in any place to witness something like that