Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

This is the “left” version of “doesn’t believe people with journalism degreed, editors and jobs but will link a 3 hr joe Rogan YouTube video about Bigfoot.”

You cant believe the professionals, but anyone with a substack or patreon with similar world views? Lets post anything they say.

This is no different from holocaust denial, or thinking covid is a hoax.

What sort of information would you accept?

Either Putin blinks or Russia officially declares war and brings up conscripts. Fun posting to be had either way.

When we are talking about 2 million people in concentration camps today we really need to put that in context and the proper place to start is

People like Vijay Prashad are making tons of bank for denying the Uyghur genocide, so I hope you’re getting paid fairly for your efforts.

Is it for the US to decide if the US gives them billions of dollars of weapons and extensive training before the war? And tens of billions of dollars of weapons and direct intelligence support during the war? Yes, of course it is.

Guess what you sound like:

Moscow warned, however, that sending heavy weapons to the troubled nation threatened security on the European continent. Russia’s foreign ministry singled out Britain for criticism, saying it was “encouraging Ukraine” to attack Russia within Russian territory.

No idea who that is ikes.

Always love when you resort to this, it’s a keeed white flag.

What do you think of multiple reports of Russia stealing huge amounts of grain, food and farm equipment while deporting thousands upon thousands of Ukrainians? Why isn’t it immoral to leave these people to be slaughtered like you want to do?

Same as stealing the oil? (Syria)

I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about and don’t have an opinion. But if you tell me bad things are happening in a war then yeah, no shit ikes.

I simply made the point that when the US is engaged in a proxy war with Russia, of course the US has a say in how vigorously the proxy war is conducted, as the US could cut off the supply of weapons at any time. That’s the nature of a proxy war!

Syria does not have significant oil reserves. Question the credibility of wherever it is you heard otherwise.

Saying this is ‘all you said’ is a pathetic lie

what’s the lie?

what I quoted

I thought the US were ‘guarding’ it

BBC propaganda?

President Donald Trump says he expects the United States to benefit by millions of dollars per month from Syria’s oil revenues while US troops remain in the country.

US left 500 troops there, for some reason

The US announced a withdrawal of its forces from northern Syria in October, but has since said it would retain around 500 troops to guard oil facilities, along with Kurdish-led forces, who are currently the main beneficiaries of the production.

You mean “special Uyghur action.”

The fuck are you talking about?

There is only one person/country who can unilaterally end this war. That is who is the cause of all this. No one else.

I doubt anyone has the patience for your selective inability to honestly read anything today. Figure it out on your own. It’s quite obvious.