Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

Like trying to defend current Russia as communist? Wild

That quote is dumber than anything I’ve seen Cawthorn, or MTG say. It’s “Israeli space lasers” level dumb.

Looked for the status/resulting argument but its deleted sadly.

By their logic, if anyone was to invade the USA tomorrow the USA shouldn’t fight back, and if Caitlyn or Victor or anyone died well, it’s their/USA fault.

“If you’re on the side of the US empire on any issue you are on the wrong side. This doesn’t mean the other side is always necessarily in the right…”

This is absolutely brilliant.

rofl victor paying money to comrade foxworthy of substack to pwn the normies. Is there anyone else sickle collar comedy group you like? Might as well end every take here with ‘you might be a tankie’

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There are never good guys and bad guys.

Except for the US, which is always bad.

Genocide denial to pwn the libs.

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This person is not a competent, thinking adult though. They are cosplaying as one to get you to pay them money. If you waste it there, cool.

Its not ok to be a grown adult in 2022 and think the Civil War was fought over slavery.

Which western media outlets are lying/spreading propaganda about the current war? Can you cite any examples?

Might western outlets that denounced the Iraq war and were right about other conflicts be believed in this instance?

Its an extension of her logic.

Surely you’re not an adult in 2022 who thinks that a war has good guys on one side and bad guys on the other.

We all are.

Saddam Hussein: (paraphrasing) “I could explain to you all why it was necessary to gas the Kurds but it would take years.”

Caitlyn: “The world is a complicated place!”

Most Americans: “Ukrainians deserve self-determination and while the US can’t/shouldn’t offer unlimited resources and involvement, offering aid and weapons to help them protect their country from Putin’s army is the right thing to do.”

Caitlyn: “The world is a complicated place…sometimes.”

It should be really easy to find citations then!

Their views on the six day war and similar conflicts should be really insightful.

Do you think it’s intelligent to dodge simple questions or support any point you make? Are you that lazy that any reply that isn’t an insult can’t provide basic citations or proof?

Oh? Maybe you should read up on your girl, Vic.

It’s impossible to overstate how completely blanketed by propaganda distortion the Ukraine war is. US spooks saying they’re leaking disinfo to the press, Ukrainian war propaganda, the blackout on Ukrainian losses, the uncritical media acceptance of allegations against Russia, etc. This war is a propaganda campaign wrapped in a psyop.

Let’s check out that last link, shall we?

All of the Russian troops are gone and yet there is no mention of a massacre. The beaming Fedoruk says it is a “glorious day” in the history of Bucha, which would hardly be the case if hundreds of dead civilians littered the streets around Fedoruk.

In Bucha, the Times was close to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, whose soldiers appear in the newspaper’s photographs. In his piece, McCann suggests that Azov may responsible for the killings:

The Russian military has by now completely left the city, so this sounds for all the world like reprisals. The state authorities would be going through the city searching for ‘saboteurs’ and ‘accomplices of Russian forces.’ Only the day before [Friday], Ekaterina Ukraintsiva, representing the town council authority, appeared on an information video on the Bucha Live Telegram page wearing military fatigues and seated in front of a Ukrainian flag to announce ‘the cleansing of the city.’ She informed residents that the arrival of the Azov battalion did not mean that liberation was complete (but it was, the Russians had fully withdrawn), and that a ‘complete sweep’ had to be performed.”

A definition of propaganda so broad that it includes 100% factually true stories but told with the purpose to persuade people is functionally useless and includes the vast majority of not just non-fiction print media but also almost all interpersonal human interaction. It means that Caitlin is propaganda. It means that your posting is propaganda. So, if that’s your definition, fine, I give zero fucks that you think I consume propaganda regularly. Calling everything propaganda is not enlightenment. It is losing sight of fact and fiction and pretending that there is no difference.


She cited it favorably as evidence for her claim that the allegations against Russia are a “psyop.”