Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

trmp figured out the only way to ensure no nato for ukraine is to blow up nato and have a summit with putin at maralago

Fuck that. The anti-war position would be to have offered up whatever NATO resources necessary to aid a Russian invasion of Finland and a Baltic to be named later as a show of good faith

If these dumbass Americans REALLY cared about Ukrainians …

What is the point in this kind of hyperbole to deny that for 7ish years the US financially backed the violent pro-NATO side of a conflict within Ukraine that was at least partially based on whether to try joining NATO, and the anti-NATO side wasn’t just separatists and pro-Russians, but also Zapka types who wanted to avoid war and believed that’s the interest they were promoting, whether you think they were correct or not?

That’s odd you think that, because ur girl Caitliyn also asserted in early to mid February with certainty that there was no way that Putin was going to invade and that the lack of invasion is going to be used by US propagandists to show how strong of a leader Joe Biden is. Sure seems like a pretty big miss for someone free of propaganda to not have seen that the US was actually trying to start a war!

(Of course, now she’s on board with actually the US was behind it all along, because of course the US is behind all wars).

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Because the whole point of my hyperbole is to highlight the alternative to this pro-NATO support is a Russian invasion.

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What is the deal with rape analogies and agency analogies, when it’s obvious that Ukranian people were never a monolith trying to join NATO, and in fact there was an internal, years-long, very deadly conflict over whether to do so?

Truly incredible to cast the anti-NATO side as non-violent after Russia seized Crimea by force.

I know you’re capable of seeing more nuance than this post suggests.

Monolithic binary sides that include Russia with war-avoidance prioritizing Ukranian citizens is like as bad faith as an argument could possibly get

Their writing and world view is worse than your average first year student in a political studies class.

I would be embarrassed to have linked that, lol Victor.

Like, I just can’t imagine the idiocy of the argument that the aggressor should win every conflict and fighting back is morally wrong. That is what they are saying. They are explicitly saying that!

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This. Exactly this. The question of who gets to decide about NATO expansion belongs to NATO. It absolutely does not belong to the rotting corpse of the Russian Empire.

If you intended more nuance, then write it that way the first time. The way you wrote about the violence of the pro-NATO side is that it is a distinguishing feature of that side relative to the other, as in the other side does not have that property, and one can delineate the two based on that property.

Jfc anybody who believes this is what’s going on has bought Russian propaganda hook, line, and sinker. You are the naive ones. Do you even history bro? How you went from thinking you’re a leftist to apologia for a nakedly imperialist genocide I really do not understand.


It’s not imperialism unless it comes from the United States of Imperialism. From elsewhere it’s just sparkling anti-imperialism.


This is a wild thing to claim.

Its just heartbreaking imagining the Russian government sitting their bound by their intense anti-imperialist moral convictions to not interfere at all in Ukraine while they watched the US promote pro-NATO sentiments.

You see a lot of leftists aren’t actually leftists as much as people who have made an online identity into being anti American, and keeping this up is more important than any sort of realism.

I get it if you’re on substack or patreon and paying the bills requires you to double down on being dumb, but don’t do this for free.


Do you think that’s me

No they haven’t. You are a god damn moron of epic proportions.


I do not.

Had a “friend” post something similar on FB about how if you can’t defend communism (??) now you’re not a true leftist wrt Russia. Just wild.

NATO vs not NATO seems to be ceding the argumentative ground to Russia. Like Putin mentions NATO because militaries are more frightening than trading blocs but Putin could have invaded Ukraine because it felt that culturally and economically Ukraine was sliding out of Russian orbit, but of course he’s not going to say he’s invading Ukraine because they might start following EU regulations, he’s going to say it’s NATO.

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