Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

Director of communications isn’t really a senior role. It’s the title held by Mike McClintock on Veep, or Sean Spicer and Anthony Scarramucci in real life.

To clarify, he was communications director for the deputy secretary of state, not the secretary of state. So even further down.

Fair enough - I guess we can debate what constitutes a senior (hence my qualification with fairly). I guess I’d still view the communication director as someone who should have first hand knowledge of the situation, even if they weren’t involved in the decision making process and thus not a person who should just be dismissed out of hand.

Not trying to derail - but I would consider Pasaki a senior WH official.

The White House communications director is Kate Bedingfield.

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Koch Industries, the conglomerate run by right-wing billionaire Charles Koch, has numerous ongoing business operations in Russia. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Koch Industries has given no indications that those business operations have been suspended. On the contrary, the limited public comments made by Koch subsidiaries operating in Russia indicate that their business activities have continued.

Because liberty.

There’s no pedantry here. The point made by the author isn’t applicable to the post it responded to, it doesn’t make sense on its own, and is made by someone who maybe had direct knowledge of the situation. It was exactly the type of thing you’d say if you googled a contrarian position to take and then found something vaguely contrarian, then pushing it hard anyways as making some sort of deep point even though it clearly didn’t apply to the discussion.

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That passage is interpreted by some as saying that NATO intervened because Milosevic would not get in line with neoliberal economic “reforms” of the time. I didn’t really think that was hard to figure out.

On the other hand, the people who say that have been accused of misinterpreting or selectively citing only part of that passage.


I’m shocked

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It’s not a senior role, but he could easily have extensive first hand knowledge of the matter. Like if Mike McClintock were to have written a book about Meyer’s diplomacy with China and Tibet, that would probably be worth paying attention to.

Like her song Unwritten. Catchy little ditty.


Is there a dedicated Ukraine meme thread?



A post was merged into an existing topic: Ukraine, Russia, and the West

are you a russophob viktor?

The Russian army is literally bombing maternity hospitals and shooting civilians in the street.

I would think it possible in this crazy mixed-up world for people to find it in their hearts to [checks notes] hate both the US and Russia.

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They were no angels.

Yes, and please bring it up in this thread early and often when Russian atrocities are called out. Very useful conversation. Russia and USA are the exact same. Russia is running the Nazi playbook, but the US is just as bad. Got it.

I deleted my take along those lines because I didn’t want to escalate with Vic. You fucked around, it’s time to find out.

I don’t really want to escalate with him either. I was just trying to point out that he’s both-sidesing-mannnn in a thread where one government is currently committing 1000s of war crimes a day. Not really the optimal venue. Like how do you follow this whole thread and come up with “well actually, the US is evil too” as your primary takeaway?

This is the last text I got from the woman who cuts my hair, whose parents live in a small city on the front lines:

Thank you !
By each one praying heart :heart: city still wasn’t taken under Russian!!!
God is helping them to resist and not be taken!
Thank you for your prayers :pray::innocent::ukraine::heart:
But alot all around Okhtyrka - as big city Sumy, Trostaynetz , Dobroslavovka…… and so much more villagers where were farms all destroyed/ all taken under Russian troops and people can’t get any humanitarian provisions no food no water…… they are in miserable desperate situation, russian soldiers get families out of homes and take and do everything they want

But sure, let’s tut tut anytime someone calls out the Russians for starting a Hitler-esque war of conquest and basically re-running the Nazi playbook to the letter, at home and abroad, in 2022.