Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

That would make sense. I’m not really up on the latest in farm equipment tech, but the article made it sound like it had quite a few remote access and monitoring features.
So it wouldn’t surprise me if the system could identify when a farmer did certain DIY repairs/upgrades instead of taking it to the dealership.

Lol at trump having positions. And yeah, it is a generous reading of what he said. Which is the problem. I mean Jesus Christ, Chomsky - Chomsky! Arguably the most important linguist of the 20th century doesn’t seem to realize that Trump doesn’t use language to convey information, he uses it only to manipulate. Either that or he doesn’t care and is using Trump to bolster his point, which is petty and means that he also doesn’t understand Putin.

It’s like he’s become some postmodern Cassandra – spent his entire public life warning of rising fascism, now that it’s come true he doesn’t believe himself.


Contrarianism is a hell of drug. So is the olds.

kinda weird they removed it. if it was small and minor it’s usually left in. Big ones get taken out… but tend to not be so minor. No hard rules here though, and I’m not up to date on russian battlefield medicine.

also - 20 officers - yikes

I agree, it’s just that “its the West that wants this war” is such a moronic take I’m pretty rustled to hear it come from Chomsky. I mean the choice is either war today or genocide today and war tomorrow, of course any rational leader wants war today.


And this time they’re right. You think Putin’s media is a more reliable source?

lol, this wouldn’t work, right?

An underwater desert? Huge if true!

I mean that’s fake right? right?

I don’t think underwater nukes do much. Water is great at absorbing the energy of the explosion.

It seems to be a thing, but how much of their claims we should believe is very much up for debate. On the one hand they have nuclear tsunami weapons and hypersonic nukes. On the other, they can’t seem to get tanks or trucks across muddy fields.

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Always had you pegged as a hillbilly.

It’s also just a meaningless word salad. “The west” is not a homogenous block. There is a big difference between the BBC and Fox News for reporting!

You don’t have to follow solely American news on this issue. You could get by absolutely fine only following respected people/outlets in Europe/Canada etc.

I know a country that wants war much more than the West does, and that also has the singular power - - yes, singular in that if they wish to defy the West’s war lust they absolutely can no matter how much the West wants to keep this going - - to end the war.

What precisely do you think they’re lying about?

Lmao, the whole point of that shitty book is that they were hillbillies who got out. They got out to Middletown, which is the quintessential rust belt factory town (Alcoa steel plant)

Butler county OH has very few hills :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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absolutely not, Im not a physicist and in fact my only qualifications was being really good at math in high school…but the energy required for that seems like something beyond human capabilities. I doubt something even like 2x the Tsar Bomba could come close to that kind of energy.

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