Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Supposedly has nuclear weapon keys or codes or whatever. From the Daily Mail story, it doesn’t sound like he was seriously injured. Somebody this big shows up in town it’s going to be hard to keep it quiet so it’s no wonder the Ukrainians got wind of the big meeting.

Imagine the amount of asbestos in that thing.

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If I were Putin I’d hesitate about showing up on the grandstand of the May 9 parade due to concerns about drones.

Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s cancelled.

Well, I guess that does indeed make it true then, that Donald Trump’s masterful diplomacy is the key to ending the war. Great call.

If that isn’t your point, then Chompsky pointing out that he doesn’t like Trump prior to making a dumbass statement about Trump’s diplomacy has zero relevance and isn’t worth highlighting to a confused goofyballer.

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OK, if Chompsky’s earlier criticism of Trump doesn’t validate the heaps of praise for his statesmanship that Chompsky puts upon him, it certainly doesn’t make it go away or undo it or make it mean the opposite of what it plainly means, either, and it’s lol that you are trying to.

AND he slobbered all over him in an incredibly stupid fashion.

With respect to Trump’s diplomacy in the war in Ukraine, yes.

I mean, if you want to highlight a second dumbass thing he thinks, that’s on you.

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In context it seems like Chomsky (in the was going for irony - that of all people Trump is the one advocating for negotiation and de-escalation. Which, ok, sure. The problem isn’t that, the problem is that Chomsky clearly favors trying for a negotiated settlement at this point which is just shockingly naive. Its like he spent 50 years warning everyone about fascism but never considered how to handle actual fascists.


Hey Wookie, remember this?

It’s childish dude. Why do you always have to establish Internet Dominance over every poster who has weird ideas? I am going to go google idontbelieveyou.gif now so that I can post it if you try to claim that you sincerely think that the thread needs it explained to them that Chomsky holding Trump up as some kind of anti-war figure is dumb.


guy who thinks elizabeth warren did nothing wrong has thoughts about how leftism is going to make progress lmao

Bro you’re personally responsible for turning more people away from leftism than everyone in this forum combined. Maybe sit this one out.


Apparently, Ukranian tractors have better anti-theft tech than Russian tanks…

"Russian troops in the occupied city of Melitopol have stolen all the equipment from a farm equipment dealership – and shipped it to Chechnya, according to a Ukrainian businessman in the area.

But after a journey of more than 700 miles, the thieves were unable to use any of the equipment – because it had been locked remotely."

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Can’t let military tech like that fall into enemy hands.


I’m pretty sure sending Gold Star chili is a war crime.


Fun fact: Middletown is where JD Vance grew up and is about 30 minutes from where I grew up. Our high schools were in the same sports league

this seems like a pretty generous reading of Trump’s position, which tbh he really hasn’t articulated, but if we assume based on what little trump has actually said, his position isn’t “deescalation” in the general sense, it’s “unilateral capitulation by the ukrainians” which I guess does result in a sort of de-escalation but only if you really stretch the bounds of the word.

I kinda half-remember this functionality being controversial and wrapped up in the whole right-to-repair thing Deere keeps getting sued over.