Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


This putin cancer / parkinsons theory is just hopium at this point.

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Well it’s not about him imminently dying - but more about him not being able to project the strongman image if rumors get out about his health and his hand shaking. That image is very important to a dictator like Putin

his image is very tightly controlled by propagandists and censors. it kinda doesn’t matter what he looks like in reality, the cameras know what angle to shoot from

What about bolstering Ukrainians’ will to fight by making them believe that maybe all they have to do is outlast a sickly Putin?

Merkels former military adivsor said out lout what I feared the whole time: Its not about winning for Ukraine its about ending the war as quickly as possible. Some people have no shame. As long as they are not affected they dont care. Honestly thats old news in todays world.

Gabriel said as long as Britain, France and USA dont send heavy weapons the discussion about german tanks is a mood point. Seems the USA are sending artillery and ammunition at least.

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I bet it’s being handled by Big Safari, which is an Air Force acquisition outfit designed to fast track projects without going through the normal DoD acquisition process.

I worked with them for my first assignment in the AF.

All the one-off ISR things were done through there (Rivet Joint, Compass Call, etc), as well as the effort to first arm predator drones with hellfire missiles back in ‘98.


Then they haven’t been doing a very good job lately.

This was evident from the beginning but I think they’d be fine just getting it down to a dull roar. The trouble is Putin’s playing a completely different game.

Why is the stop sign in English?

In 2 months they’re more than 1/3 of the way to the total US losses in the Vietnam War and 20% more losses than the worst year of the Vietnam War.

Imagine being drafted and shipped off to that hellhole in 1968.

Countries in Europe generally have stop signs with the text stop, regardless of local language. There were some objections to this when introduced around the 1970s, but now this is accepted. Turkey (and the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) is a notable exception to this, instead using the Turkish word for stop: “dur”.
Stop sign - Wikipedia

More details on Phoenix Ghost:

Night vision, 6-hour endurance, and enough firepower to take out armored vehicles. Seems like Russia’s fucked if these things go into mass production.

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine LC Debates and Arguements

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ukraine LC Debates and Arguements

“Big Safari”? Why not just “Air America” straight away?

You and what army, bro?