Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I didn’t realize these things could shoot 25 miles. I thought only ships could do that. Sheesh. Ok I guess they’re rocket-assisted.



Do people think it’s Ukrainian saboteurs?

Seems like some pretty weird coincidences. Probably not a false flag because those tend to be against civilian targets.




A rocket research campus seems like it wouldn’t be a high priority target, as opposed to the factories where the rockets are being made. Could be sabotage, but who knows.

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Fire in a rocket manufacturing facility is a big deal. [Funny, I think I wrote this exact thing about boats last week.] I started an aerospace job after several people were killed in a fire that started when they were extracting a core from a rocket motor.

In our building we had a pellet press that would occasionally cause a fire. I think it would only involve like a pound of material but it would make a bang and bring a little dust down from the ceiling. Everybody knew what it was and we’d all mosey out and down to the assembly point to wait for the fire guys to show up and confirm yep, the press went off again before we walked back up.

Anyway, it doesn’t look like the fire in the video could involve a lot of rocket fuel or components. There are too many nearby buildings. That would be poor siting.

At least 7 dead in yesterday’s fire. It was an administration building. You don’t need 100,000 lbs of rocket fuel in a building to kill people.

Russia internally acknowledging 20 000 deaths means there should be at least 45 000 wounded as well.

350 russians are dying every day from this war. What a disaster.

That’s nearly 10x more than Vietnam.

Hard to compare this war with Vietnam. If we make the large assumption US quoted their own deaths accurately, they were just mainly pushing napalm bombs out the back of planes at 20,000ft so of course causalities might be lower

so y’all come back today, together, and start trolling like this right away huh?

IIRC most of the bombings in Vietnam were low-altitude missions until Nixon amped up the strategic bombings during Operation Linebacker.

Moldova looking for some protection from Russia

Sadly the Scantron rejected the application because they overfilled one of the bubbles.



Apparently every single show on Russian state TV is like the McLaughlin group, but standing up.

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PBS NewsHour says Russia claims only one death is confirmed as a result of the sinking of their cruiser (“dozens” missing though).

Also Ukraine snuck supplies of weapons into Mariupol by helicopter at night.

is that what they think biden, soros, and scholtz (?) look like?

also damn, ukraine now has western fighter jets AND a carrier? shiiiiiiit, if true, the black sea is going to look like the community pool in boca raton pretty soon. all these ancient floating vessels.

some estimates are that 1000-2000 fighters currently hold azovstal, which means that russia did not have the necessary 10-20k to keep pushing them back. they also estimate that upto 5k of DNR battalions are heading from mariupol in the direction of slovyansk or perhaps elsewhere. that brings russian numbers pretty far down. it’s like russia taking the initiative for 60 days or so completely exhausted its army, and ukraine isn’t only fresher, they’ve been training the reserves for 60 days.

what is also interesting is that so many military analysts are describing donbass as a series of artillery duels, and what a game changer 155 shells are going to be.

russia’s toast.