Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


Ukrainian drones hit Russian Trump-like jet.The Felon
[Russia’s Su-57 Felon Fighter Nightmare: Drones Attack Stealth Fighters on the Ground (](

Let me know when the Ukrainians want to stop fighting and instead accept the genociding and the kidnapping of their children, and then I will agree that the US should stop giving them arms.

Lindsey Graham is correct, you should be more inclined to combat theft if the stolen goods go to an adversary.

Yeah Graham’s post is the sort of gross realpolitik perspective that makes the world dislike USA and shouldn’t be said out loud, but IF this is the sort of messaging that keeps congressional Republicans onboard and makes Ukraine funding an issue with bipartisan support, then it’s probably a net good thing.

It’s also correct that the reasons US has and should have for supporting Ukraine are multifaceted, including reasons like weakening a geopolitical adversary, protecting the farmland and other resources from Russian control, and deterring other aggression by other powers like Iran and China. The humanitarian reason is the most noble but not the only one.



“I will have that settled prior to taking the White House as president-elect,” said Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee in the U.S. election.

Vote for Trump so he can hand Ukraine back to Russia.

Unconfirmed for the moment.

Feel like USA should just be like “what drone?” and put another one up there.

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Twitter is close to useless. It’s unclear if anything actually happened. Conflicting info on type of drone and how it was supposed to be brought down.

What I think happened: Putin threatened retaliation after the incident on the beach in Crimea. The drone turned off its transponder and people assumed that meant something but it just went home.

In possibly big news today


i would rank it as very unlikely ru jets coming close to a us drone similar to last july’s incident. the missile traffic around crimea is heavy enough that ru can’t really turn off their air defenses, and there are all sorts of risks to operating jets in the same airspace where air defense might be shooting down atacms/scalp/stormshadow. they lost multiple jets to patriot batteries and to their own s300/400, due to faulty technology.

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NOT LONG AFTER RUSSIA’S full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Mikaela—who worked as a nurse and was trained as a medic—was deployed to the Ukrainian frontline. [1] She entrusted her daughter, Vika, with her mother, as many soldiers and medics did for the sake of their country’s territorial defense. When Mikaela came home on temporary leave, Vika was gone.

At first, the truth was so difficult to hear that Mikaela felt dizzy and disoriented. It was like the oxygen had been sucked out of the room.

Mikaela’s mother recounted the day Vika didn’t come home from school. Mikaela’s brother Vlad had picked up his niece after school, per their usual routine. But unbeknownst to Mikaela’s mother, instead of taking her home, he put her on a bus destined for a “reeducation” camp in Russia.

Mikaela and Vlad had often disagreed about the war. She is a patriotic Ukrainian unwaveringly committed to her country’s survival. She saw the invasion as criminal, a violation of her country’s territorial sovereignty. Vlad viewed the invasion as part of a corrective—a “cleansing” measure. After he started calling Mikaela names like “Nazi” and “fascist” in a sardonic tone, they stopped speaking.

In a kind of sibling rivalry on steroids, Vlad took advantage of Mikaela’s absence to claim Vika was without parental care and hand her over to occupying Russian authorities. He capitalized on recent Russian legislation that simplifies the process through which Ukrainian children can be granted Russian citizenship, paving the way to their permanent residence in Russia.

Mikaela was in shock. Her daughter’s rumpled pillow still smelled like her favorite shampoo. Her plush toys were lined up, unscathed, on a shelf. It seemed as if Vika might walk back into the room at any moment. But in fact, she was hundreds of miles away. And Mikaela didn’t know how—or if—she could get her back.

Russia is just straight up evil.


Also, I would murder my brother. No hesitation.


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F-16s have arrived.

Unclear if they’re actually flying yet but an unconfirmed video has been circulating. For now at least a bit of a psychological boost.


I used to live not too far from Hill AFB when F-16s were still there. This doesn’t begin to give you an idea of how loud these suckers are.