Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Lots of sarcastic comments around Ukraine taking a chunk of Russian territory.


No one seems to know what the goal is or whether it’s a good idea or how long they can sustain the incursion or how committed Ukraine is to it or exactly what is happening. Putin looks like a jackass though so that’s good.

yeah, i think it’s a combination of a few factors:

  • an opportunistic weak sector on the border (similar to '22 Kharkiv offensive)
  • an operational goal of taking initiative and demonstrating that UA can stage a large force without being detected in a way that RU cannot (more numerous and better drone engineers and operators)
  • allowing himars to reach previously unreachable targets like bases and depots around Kursk (similar to UA degrading materiel around Belgorod)
  • a strategic hit aimed at stopping russian operations in Toretsk/elsewehere
  • and finally, geopolitical pressure by controling the last natural gas metering station in Sudzha, for the pipeline going through ukraine to slovakia/hungary.

on the one hand this seems like a good idea considering the eastern front has been a meatgrinding stalemate for a bit now, russia seems to be able to hold what they have but no ability to react at all, but on the other this definitely increases the chances a tactical nuke gets popped off

It seems like Ukraine is pretty serious about this.

Nielson has some general thoughts.

A “What the heck” moment
1:14 More than a raid
3:27 Why are they doing it?
4:58 A diversion and denying Russia a break
5:49 Moving the war into Russia
6:55 Limitations of U.S. escalation management
7:39 Putin’s conscription dilemma
10:07 Summary


Just being dicks afaict.

Today is the anniversary of the Kursk nuclear sub disaster that killed 118. At the start, Putin didn’t want to pause his vacation to deal with it.

A four-page summary of a 133-volume, top-secret investigation revealed “stunning breaches of discipline, shoddy, obsolete and poorly maintained equipment”, and “negligence, incompetence, and mismanagement”. It concluded that the rescue operation was unjustifiably delayed and that the Russian Navy was completely unprepared to respond to the disaster.[6]

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But I was told it was the CIA?

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I was told it was Russia.

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And are you suggesting that the 3 people mentioned in there were the only people involved in the bombing?

I’m suggesting if the Germans are putting out a public arrest warrant and the guy fled to Ukraine, it makes more sense that their operation was funded and supported by Ukraine than by USA.

The perp’s name is Volodymyr Z, wtf? The article doesn’t acknowledge the oddness of this. I guess it’s just a very common name over there?

Volodymyr is the Ukrainian version of Vladimir, and yeah, it’s about as common as Vladimir is for Russians. So, yes, Putin and Zeleskyy are named after the same guy.

Yeah it’s pretty much the same as no one thinking it’s remotely weird or coincidental if some dude here named “Joe B.” got arrested for some big crime.

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I failed to find the poll where everyone recorded their guesses.

Found it: