Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

His real problem was the gigantic supersonic needle though.

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Can we also blame the crash of their moon lander on vaccines while we’re at it?

Yeah but without leadership to organize a coup he can just mix them in with his regular units or put them in the next meat grinder on the front lines. It would be a bigger problem in peacetime

True but extending terms of service and getting shitty duty just pissed off the legionaries more. There could be (more) mutinies on the lines. Relative peace will eventually come. New leaders may emerge.

This is truly master-level trolling, I’m in awe.

Edit: Fake though, seems like



“He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved necessary results,” Mr. Putin said in a televised meeting.

“These are people who made a substantial contribution to our joint efforts of fighting the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine,” he said. “We remember this, know this, and won’t forget it.”

A definitive conclusion has not been reached, but an explosion is the leading theory of what caused the plane to crash in a field between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The explosion could have been caused by a bomb or other device planted on the aircraft, though other theories, like adulterated fuel, are also being explored, the officials said.

That’s at odds with initial speculation and people pointing out the lost wing and apparent perforations from shrapnel. Also people heard mutliple bangs, though idk of any report of anyone actually seeing a missile.

Hard to imagine any information having a real effect. Not really the kind of revenge you’d expect from a cold blooded sledge hammering mass murderer.

This is like trying to take down Trump with a pee tape. How are embarrassing photos going to stop the Russian army?


Can planes even experience a catastrophic explosion as a result of a mechanical failure?

There have been accidents where possible causes included ignition of vapor in fuel tanks.

[An] explosion of the center wing fuel tank (CWT), resulting from ignition of the flammable fuel/air mixture in the tank. The source of ignition energy for the explosion could not be determined with certainty, but, of the sources evaluated by the investigation, the most likely was a short circuit outside of the CWT that allowed excessive voltage to enter it through electrical wiring associated with the fuel quantity indication system.

But in that case they reached that conclusion partly because other causes were more or less ruled out. Where here we have



I’m not an electrician, but wouldn’t planes be wired in such a way (and/or have backup systems) so that a short-circuit wouldn’t cause electricity to travel anywhere near fuel?

Right it’s difficult to thinking of information which actually could negatively impact Putin personally. Maybe something like…

  • Specific information about Putin’s personal offshore assets which could enable western governments to go after them
  • Evidence which is convincing to Russians he was personally behind the 1999 apartment bombings, but I think that could just be propagandized away.
  • Specific logistical information about Russian military assets which is immediately useful to the Ukrainian military

Boeing did try to do this but the theory is that there was a higher than expected voltage in the low voltage electrical system present in the tank due to some malfunction.

A number of changes to regulations were made after that accident. There’s something called the Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction (FTFR) rule now. I only remember the accident because I did electrostatic discharge hazard stuff for a while. In my experience it’s suprisingly hard to ignite a fuel air mixture unless conditions are just right. But ofc you only need it to happen once to get a really bad result.

What are the chances it was an accident?

There has only been one recorded accident involving an Embraer Legacy 600, and that involved a mid-air collision which the jet survived. There have been no recorded accidents involving mechanical failure.

Been in production since 2006 and the only accident was down to US air traffic ‘control’ I believe

sounds like they were due for an accident


Embraer ain’t no boeing


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Explains why he is such a big fan of Biden.
