Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Looking forward to the episode of Mayday/Air Crash Investigations on this.

“High up in the skies of Russia, someone who fucked around is finding out”.


They were supposedly disarmed. Meaning heavy weapons surrendered, I think. Personnel were given options including joining another private military group controlled by Putin or the regular army. Some are still together as Wagner in Belarus and in Africa (I wonder how their clients in Niger etc. are feeling today). Putin also fired Surovikin today. If Putin didn’t stomp hard enough, there could still be blowback I guess.

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.01% chance this was the false flaggiest of all the false flag ops

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keep an eye on the menu? in case the menu mentions which specific dishes are poisoned, i guess


I think all Russian menus have to note if a dish contains eggs, dairy, or polinium.


I said above that air defense missile seems like an inefficient way to eliminate pregozhin. OTOH, it’s not a bad approach if the guy has 24/7 security, food taster, etc.

There are conflicting reports about pregozhin’s plane with or without a transponder over the last few months. Probably not a good idea to fly near Moscow with no transponder.

I’m like 50/50 whether this was intentional. Don’t forget that the Russians shot down a passenger plane a few years ago. Itchy trigger finger is completely in their range.

That said, I expect Putin to impliedly take credit either way. Wagner was something of a cult. Wonder if any of the Wagner guys will be upset enough to take it out on Putin?

You think it’s 50/50 that Prizoghin just so happened to be on a plane that was shot down by the Russians…


Lol I was thinking the exact same. One of my fav all time shows.

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If he’s headed toward Moscow with no transponder going 400 knots, they are 100% going to shoot regardless of who was in the aircraft unless they were very careful to warn air defense. That said, I’m still 95% assassination.

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I thought you were joking earlier, lol. Come on, man.

I’m wondering if Putin has direct access to all of the Wagner assets and holdings, including those in Africa?

The plane had just taken off from Moscow tho.

The second most likely explanation is staged assassination, not misfire.

Supposedly Prigozhin had a revenge plan ready to go, just in case.


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When I stage a failed coup I hop on a plane right back there a few months later.


It was a bold strategy.



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I’m starting to think shooting the plane with the other Wagner leaders was the whole point, so none of those other guys could go into hiding and try to lead some revenge operation.

lol I can only imagine the conversation with Putin. “Sir, he’s… he’s on a plane… along with all the other Wagner high ups, and they’re right under our missiles.”

The thing is, even if there isn’t any plan, there are going to be thousands of pissed off mercenaries hanging around drinking and talking about how they got the shaft and Prigozhin had the right idea and fucking Putin deserves to get his. That kind of situation made even Roman emperors nervous.

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Nothing to see here folks. Just a vaccine induced aviation accident.