Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

What are you bringing in for show and tell next week?


NATO forced the conditions which led to the mutiny.

Or are you a pro-American propagandist?

Like the US investigating the 737 max it could take a few years and row be fed some bs?

Just 10 guys though, warlords not innocent civilians

The real problem however is this leaves a uge vacuum in Africa that Russia will fill

I mean, they either did or they didn’t so I guess you’re right.

This is like when Gus appeared in BCS. Love the crossover episodes.

I’m at like 80/20 now. At first I assumed the murder of 9 people would be a significant factor against, but given that they are other Wagner leaders the benefits for Putin are pretty clear.

Still, Russian aviation is not something I have a lot of faith in.

Awwww, you and Ike’s are besties. Cute!

I’ll wait for Sy Hersh’s next article before I start throwing around percentages.

This is why it would seem likely that they killed him elsewhere and then just added his name to the passenger list

But then everyone seems to be reporting other things that make it seem more likely it really was a plane full of Wagner people so I guess they do be that crazy? Or they got double crossed after their false flag operation ended… but actually shouldn’t they be able to see that coming just the same? I dunno, who’s to judge, never walked a mile in a warlord’s shoes

Is there anyone out there arguing that Putin is not the sort of man who would ever have Prighozin killed?

Funnily enough this video came out less than a week after he was offed that described the events leading to his death but also how Putin pits different parts of the government against each other to keep anyone from getting strong enough to usurp him.

Seems that Prigozhin’s death is the end of a misstep by Putin.

100%. I think America is perfect and no American has ever done anything wrong.




What did Saddam Hussein ever do wrong??

He didn’t show Uday and Qusay enough love


Lol the fucking stingray