Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

[quote=“simplicitus, post:9083, topic:7798”]
Maybe the Germans can get Konigsberg back. Russia still occupying the home of Kant, who wrote What is Enlightenment and Perpetual Peace. Perpetual Peace.[/quote]

Also the birthplace of the Fahrenheit scale! :transmet_smiley:

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Maybe his sources are other 70 year old retired guys who are actually paraphrasing what they hear from their sources who are paraphrasing what they hear from younger guys they worked with in the past?

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Or maybe Langley is run by 80 year old guys just like the white house

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this would honestly be the best outcome for sy at this point

Ukraine has moved its official Christmas Day state holiday from 7 January to 25 December, the latest move aimed at distancing itself from Russia.

Ukraine took out a pipeline.

Why won’t Ukraine just take a deal?

Since the beginning of the war the usa has spent 75 billion on ukraine. Notably, that includes humanitarian aid and isn’t purely military spending.

USA spend about 750 billion per year on the military every year. Call it 1 trillion or so since the war began.

For the math challenged, that’s 7.5% of the military budget, which is really not that much. Unlike the vast rest of the military budget, it’s going to a worthy cause. The military portion is 4.5% of the military budget.

Also, GG is 100% russian propaganda. This post is a good example of why. Thank you.


Not that you’re an actual liberal, but “that’s how good the propaganda is”.

You’re doing the same thing as a Republican complaining about school lunches affecting the budget. The math is one way.

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LOL at trusting and sharing the views of a white pundit in 2023 who tries to use MLK to support his views.

Maybe you should just post random RWNJ memes complaining we shouldn’t spend any money on x until we house every single homeless vet.


lol lmao

guys you can’t be against massive military spending and also be in favor of stopping genocide, thats just good logic.


I don’t think the Revolutionary Blackout Network would appreciate your risible description, but if that’s the best you can do so be it I guess.

lol, those dumb fucks pay for twitter


Thank you for your illuminating contribution.

Russia evacuates children from war zones and take in children that was orphaned from the assault of the Kyiv regime, the west melts down

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 Iraqi kids dying was “worth it” meanwhile she is treated as a hero by the establishment Western values are ![:wastebasket:]

So again, Jal, it’s quite suspicious this guy is a Russian shill. Can you come up with another reason for why they’re arguing that Ukrainian children being forcibly deported into Russia is ‘evacuating children’? This is a 100% sincere question.

edit: other than ‘is an easily fooled idiot that follows gg’ ofc, which is the likely answer

Der Spiegel just wrote that Prigoschin was in a private jet that just crashed!

Makes sense, just falling out of a window would be too ordinary for that guy.

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Sometimes the X algorithm has success, this is the first comment: