Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I was told I should be able to figure it out from the user name and I couldn’t. But I don’t know who maxcut is, so probably it’s a me thing.

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It is a you thing but not in the way you mean.

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Yeah, it seems unlikely that’s what he is. If anything, he’s probably just viewed as a useful voice to promote pro-Russian narratives.

an early contractor of the covid-19
can’t believe it’s more obvious to me than you long termers, of which they are definately a respected one (not a previously banned poaster FWIW)

What the fuck is even going on lol this post is so fucking dumb

It’s such a dumb post but you don’t understand it.

Dude the non-conspiracy “theory” is that your boy is full of shit. It’s not our job to figure out in exactly what specific manner his poo flinging is taking place.

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I understand why you establishment shills feel the need to make that case for his Nordstream story. But this article is totally nothing. Like, some guy’s hot takes, and they’re not even that hot. But that’s a Russian Secret Agent too? They’ve got a whole team of these secret agents? They’ve got em working in shifts!


Somehow that’s the most likely explanation for the Sy haters, seems like a more economical explanation if you think the official is spewing dumb shit is that Sy knows some dumb boomer who works for the CIA? Seems pretty straightforward but less fun I gues?

lol, of course not.


What the fuck is even going on lol this post is so fucking dumb… bah, i have never made a post this dumb. thx ikes

The reason authors struggle to write believable dialogue is that they don’t have a good feel for how their characters think. It’s easy to write yourself, you just think about something and write down the thoughts. Making up something that someone else would plausibly say is much harder. That’s how you end up with an intelligence source describing something that is partially submerged as being like a torpedo, even though the most noteworthy characteristic of a torpedo is that it travels underwater. As previously noted, something that’s only partially submerged is a boat.


So you think he’s just making up his sources whole cloth? Same thing with Nordstream? Or did Russian secret agents fool him for Nordstream and this one he just completely made it up for shits and giggles?

And a duck! Maybe a turtle? There’s probably more, idk.

Who knows? I tend to think he just made up this particular source out of whole cloth. Although I imagine if he made it up directly, it was probably to drive subscriptions to his newsletter rather than for the pure fun of it.

Made it up, even though he surely knows like minded, disaffected guys at CIA or State who say something similar. Slightly less colorful but similar stuff has recently appeared in the Washington post or the New York times.

If he was fabricating sources to drive subscriptions you’d think he’d make up something interesting or noteworthy rather than this stuff.

What if I told you it could be any combination of misattributed quotes from Russian sources, actual quotes from US officials, and general 86 year old brain hijinks.

What if I told you bob said he thinks Sy made it up? That’s what I was responding to.

Maybe he doesn’t actually have those sources any more? Or maybe they only said boring stuff like “Corruption is improving in Ukraine, but it’s still a big issue,” rather than talking like an overwritten George Smiley who says, in a single continuous quote:

  • That no one knows what Zelenskyy is thinking;
  • That he knows that Zelenskyy doesn’t have a plan and is only trying to hang on;
  • That Ukraine is the second most corrupt and dumb government in the world; and
  • That Ukraine has blackmail material on Biden.

While also saying the waif in his underwear thing! I dunno, I would believe that various sources said things sort of akin to all those elements to him over the course of various interviews, but they only said boring stuff, so he punched it up into better copy.

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Why would he have those sources?? His contemporaries retired 20-40 years ago. Their proteges retired 10-30 years ago!

How many generations of analysts are we down the line who want to leak stuff to him? 3? 5? More? People change jobs. 10? If they’re a gen 2 guy don’t they suck at their job to only be an analyst after 35 years?

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