Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I’m not going to try to read your mind at whatever point you’re making Jal. I’m sure it makes sense to you. Feel free to actually make an argument. Granted, I see why you usually don’t as it ends with you accidentally arguing that there’s no Russian empire.

LOOOOL ok information vacuum.

Couldn’t find anything online I guess. No use PMing wookie, he won’t have a clue either.

Sy has a ton of contacts and sources in government. What happens when he asks about this guy with his other government sources?

The general in charge of Ukraine’s stuttering counter-offensive in the south has said Russian defences are making it difficult for military equipment, including Western tanks and armoured vehicles, to move forward.

Gen Oleksandr Tarnavskyi says his forces are struggling to overcome multi-layered minefields and fortified defensive lines.

“That is why most of the tasks have to be performed by troops.”

He says Russia’s military has displayed “professional qualities” by preventing Ukrainian forces from “advancing quickly”.

“I don’t underestimate the enemy,” he adds.

But so far there’s little evidence that Western supplied tanks and armoured vehicles have been able to tip the balance decisively in Ukraine’s favour.

We visited the same brigade’s outdoor workshop, hidden in a forest behind the front line, where they are now trying to repair more than a dozen armoured vehicles - most of them US Bradleys.

Lol Woodward is an establishment propagandist? Sy is a fairly well known journalist fwiw.

  1. sounds like a great way to doxx your source and get counter intelligenced.

  2. does he really have great sources in govt in 2023? Certainly not his contemporaries, they’re retired. The next generation? Maybe. The generation after that? Now we’re getting into degrees of separation. Does someone in their early 30s even know who he is?

Dox your source? “Hey you know Bob Johnson over at State? What do you think of him?” He’s not asking them to vet any information or acknowledging that he’s spoken to him. Just that the guy like, exists.

He has said he currently talks to many people in State and CIA. I’m sure you’re right that he’s confused and is just talking to a bunch of Russian secret agents. Those guys are fucken everywhere! You really can’t be too careful.

There are a LOT less moving parts involved that he’s just being fooled by a foreign national than he has government sources who see him as the best outlet.

That’s without getting into his direct quotes from his source which are somewhat suspect at best andfairly unprofessional and reckless at worst (who cares what the sources opinion of Ukrainian government fidelity is? Why would the source care?)

How do you figure? Like do you think that Sy is verifying that this guy works for the government by looking at a forged government ID? That’s insane. He knows the guy and knows guys who know him.

Picture this:

Yegor Yegorovich says his name is James Caldwell at the Lentagon and feeds Sy lies. James Caldwell exists, but is not Yegor Yegorovich.

Sy asks Peter at the Pentagon if he knows James Caldwell, he says yeah, great patriot.

This is not a huge lift from the foreign agent.

What happens when Sy calls Jim at his office?

The editor would delete that paragraph because Sy is currently publishing government intel and the Pentagon has Caller ID.

Right, Sy himself isn’t calling the guy. But it’d be pretty easy to do checks to verify that’s it’s a real guy and not a Russian secret agent.

Also: why the hell would the Russians do this? Nordstream, sure. I guess. Maybe. That’s a big story. But this would have to be a totally different guy. So the Russians have like a whole team of secret agents pretending to be US government officials planting fake opinions that they deliver to Sy and he prints on his substack? That’s the conspiracy theory? I dunno man. Who gives a shit? Seems like a lot of effort for not much payoff.

I don’t think it’s much effort at all. What about being an anonymous source accountable to one credulous 86 year old seems like a huge lift to you?

As for the point I think it pretty neatly falls under PsyOps. Not every action needs to move mountains,. especially for something as low effort as this.

Jal seriously no one is falling for it. Feel free to make an actual argument.

I wonder how far back Sy has been getting fooled by Russian Secret Agents. Mai Lai honestly sounds like a Soviet psyop now that I think about it.

You think 86 year olds are just as good as when they were 40?

lol yeah man, a six time Polk Award winning credulous 86-year-old. You know how easy it is to pull the wool over one of those guys’ eyes. Childs play.

Your reference to his judgement is admirable if optimistic.

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