Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

OK but I don’t quite understand the conspiracy theory here. Someone had a discordant and awkward word choice. Is it more likely that it was Hersh making it up or the official saying it? People make awkward word choices all the time. Hersh is a competent writer, if he was just literally making the conversation up why would it be clunky? The rest of the piece isn’t full of clunky language.

Very unnecessary detail? I don’t know. Could be autonomous and inertially guided. Torpedos and cruise missiles usually aren’t remote controlled.

You guys really think Hersh is just fabricating sources whole cloth? Wild.

I think he has been fooled by a Russian intelligence agent masquerading as an American intelligence agent.

I think there are infinity other ways than to leak concerning info than an 86 year old with a substack if the source actually cared.

I also feel like our very scary intelligence apparatus is curiously quiet about being powerless against this,.again, 86 year old man blowing all our secrets publicly. Well it’s Sy Hersh, what can ya do Jimmy? Let’s go get a hot dog.


He’s had many major stories, all from anonymous government officials, and he’s never burned a source afaik. Yeah he’s pretty old but seems pretty sharp in interviews. Maybe he got fooled by a Russian secret agent but sounds like an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory if you ask me.

Like is he too dumb to be able to verify that the guy he is talking to currently works for the US government? Hard to imagine. But that’s the conspiracy theory I guess? Sy thinks he’s talking to a US government official but it’s a Russian secret agent? How do the Russians pull that one off?

Perhaps we could call it Ukraine Derail or Ukraine LC

Ah wait, it appears we already did that!

It turned out that there isn’t actually a desire to have separate threads, nor was there enough content to keep both going. People just want to force keed to stop talking about a topic he’s interested in talking about because they don’t like it, or something

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You’re right. Seems like “Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes” is the way to go, but we’d need mods actively extracting stuff on a pretty regular basis, at least until people get used to it and go straight there for their bickering and shitposting.

I mean I guess my take is that if there’s literally gonna be none of one type of post (currently that’s real news), then it doesn’t really matter where everything goes. But I think if the arguments got their own thread, we might see more tactical/news stuff in this one. Who knows.

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Ain’t nothing forcing Keeeeeeeed to defend Hersh other than his inability to admit he was completely wrong about something.

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Why would keed be “forced” to defend hersh? It seems clear that he thinks hersh’s reporting is credible, that’s all. What is it that he’s supposed to admit he’s wrong about?

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Conflating criticism of Russia with bias against Russia is something Russian propagandists do. Your actual statements continue to have very little daylight between them and yourself.

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And conflating criticism of America’s role in this with bias towards Russia is something American propagandists do.

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Keeed went hard to the paint to defend another idiotic Hersh article that was widely panned and has since taken hit after hit to its credibility (regarding how exactly the pipeline was destroyed). He’s defending Hersh now despite that failure because failing to do so would be admitting he was wrong about it. He did the same thing with Mearsheimer.

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Sure, but that’s not what is being done. Jal argued that Russia wasn’t an empire last week amongst other idiocy. Welcome to the thread, I suggest you read it.

Sometimes there are clear bad guys in a conflict. This time, it’s the genocidal aggressors. That’s not bias, those are just facts.


Sometimes more than one. Amazing how complex the real world is once you find out about it.

The USA are not bad guys because they are providing weaponry as requested by the Ukrainian government to prevent further genocide. Any other take is fucking idiocy.

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At 17 I had letter perfect drivers licenses that I used to buy booze. Yes, I think he can be fooled, particularly if he wants to be.

It’s not like he has a login to and.searches his contact and gets a headshot for verification.

Why Sy and not Bob Woodward? He’s a famous journalist too, has famous books, and is actually in the current zeitgeist for impact reasons. Man, he’d be pretty impactful.

Why an 86 year old substacker.

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I didn’t mention the US, you did. They are certainly in the frame for lead dunce though.

Your misplaced position on this is based on a misunderstanding of East/West relations after WW2.

No it’s not. You’re just desperate to talk about anything other than Russian imperialism and your apparent complete lack of understanding of European history East of Berlin.

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Does Ike’s have to ruin every thread he participates in?


You can project back accusations I’ve made against you but it doesn’t change one thing about your compliant ignorance.

Tell me, what do you think was the USSR’s strategic aim once it had acquired nukes?

Or put it another way, what do you think the Western powers realised for the first time after the break up of the USSR?