Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

You can google this. I have a bus to catch.


I can but I won’t. Toodles!

Damn didn’t Sy know he should have FACT CHECKED this dude by googling it? Come on man this is rookie stuff, and you call yourself a journalist.

Something a competent official would never say or never believe?

And this sounds super credible. Like NYT-non-partisan-diner-interview credible.


If you think Matt Gaetz counts as “competent” then yes.

What’s not credible? Like you think there aren’t any government officials in like State or CIA who disagree with Biden’s Ukraine policy and think the current path we’re taking is lunacy? Of course there are.

So there’s this major counteroffensive going on, and I’m following this thread for updates…but it’s just Keed peddling BS sources and spewing more crap?

One of, if not the biggest reason for this war was Ukraine was getting rid of their Russian inspired corruption and Putin wanting to send a message to all countries to play along or get deposed. Russia wanted to kill Zelensky quickly and set up a Russian puppet government to keep Ukraine’s resources and wealth in Russian hands and to send a message to other countries near the Russian border.


Or that there aren’t any dumb Trumpkins CIA guys who believe that Hunter got $80,000 a month to buy his dad’s influence? Outlandish and absurd, of course, Hunter earned that job through hard work and determination, as we all know. But of course there are CIA guys who believe otherwise. Probably half the sixty year old dudes in the CIA have Fox News on in their office, right? I don’t know.

But it’s more likely that Sy just fabricated the whole conversation? The guy doesn’t exist? Sure.

Actually Bob Man brought up the BS sources, take it up with him.

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And again, no one has posted an update on the Great Spring Offensive ITT for like three weeks. Go read a newspaper.

He prefaced it with this is all BS…you replied with “Well ackshually…”

If you want pure news and no opinions go elsewhere. You have plenty of choices spewing out Russophobic stuff. Maybe the more extreme ones will even call them orcs.

I said, this is what the guy was actually quoted as saying.

I personally think having separate threads for Ukraine news and Ukraine-related shit talking would be ideal.


There’s been like three bits of Approved Ukraine Updates posted in this thread in the last two weeks

Which is fine with me. I just want to know which thread I can ignore.

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Sounds like you should just ignore me.

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Like: Post making fun of Sy Hersh and accusing him of fabricating a conversation whole cloth because his source said “waif,” totally OK, encouraged even.

Post quoting what the source actually (sorry, ACHKUALLY) said? HORRIFIC DERAIL.

The potshot at the competence of the Ukrainian government is random and not in sync with the rest of the quote. Dumb in particular is an awkward word choice.

Also the distinction the drone was remote controlled.or whatever that seems like a very unnecessary detail that can safely be assumed.

Very strange set of quotes for sure.