Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Have you heard of the SNP?

I believe in Hanlon’s razor.

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Not outside of genetics

No but could you explain the risk you’re personally facing by advocating for war apart from nuclear war which, if significant, I hope you don’t think is a risk worth taking?

Because it seems to me that the views of a bunch of chronically insecure people like you and Wookie thousands of miles away who’d hardly heard of Ukraine before Crimea, frantically swotting up on the history of Eastern Europe so as to mask their ignorance and declaring themselves experts, probably aren’t going to be worth very much.

There had been rumors of more progress than widely reported in that area. I’m not sure how far behind what’s actually happening we are. Maybe days. Hoping for the best.

That’s pretty much the only risk I think I am facing.

It is a risk worth taking, because if imperialist Russia gets what they want by making bullshit nuclear threats there’s a near zero chance they follow through on, guess what they’re going to do again? And why wouldn’t they?

Thankfully in this thought experiment I’d likely get to let you live under Russian control before I do. But we all live under Russian control at some point following that logic.

And spare me the chronically insecure bs Jal. Gmafb

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You’re insane if you believe Russia’s aim is to conquer Europe and you’re clearly not an informed person who’s worth talking to about European/Russian affairs.


That’s not the point of that thought exercise at all. The point is that if you give in to nuclear blackmail, Russia does whatever they want. Do you have a response for that?

(Also Russia effectively conquered damn near half of Europe once and still holds onto huge parts of Asia. They clearly have plenty of ambition, but whatever)

They have obvious aspirations in Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine, but I guess those people don’t count?

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Russia would absolutely take over large areas of Europe/Asia if they knew they could without much resistance. They assumed they wouldn’t face much in Ukraine which was why they did it. That’s one reason resistance is worth it.


Maybe the Germans can get Konigsberg back. Russia still occupying the home of Kant, who wrote What is Enlightenment and Perpetual Peace. Perpetual Peace until the Russian come for you.

How did WW2 end with everyone deciding nation states were inviolable but Russia didn’t get the memo?

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And oh dear I didn’t see your edit until now. There’s a reason you’re tapping out, and it’s very much that you don’t really have a response to the corner you’ve painted yourself in… and you don’t have the humility to ever admit you’re wrong to me.

Some hilarious Hersh fanfic is out:

His sources talk like Ayn Rand characters.

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I mean, the official is saying that it was US tech that blew up the bridge:

The Biden administration’s role in both attacks was vital. “Of course it was our technology,” one American official told me. “The drone was remotely guided and half submerged—like a torpedo.” I asked if there was any thought before the bridge attack about the possibility of retaliation. “What will Putin do? We don’t think that far,” the official said. “Our national strategy is that Zelensky can do whatever he wants to do. There’s no adult supervision.”

You guys think that’s just made up? Sy made it up? It’s obviously true, do people think that Ukraine developed some naval drones despite not having any sort of navy at all?

“More people are going to die in this war, and what for?” the official asked. “The American and Ukrainian military are no longer making any predictions” about future success in the current counteroffensive. “The Ukrainian army has not gotten past the first of three Russian defense lines. Every mine the Ukrainians dig up is replenished at night by the Russians.

“The reality,” the official said, “is that the balance of power in the war is settled. Putin has what he wants”: access to Crimea and the four Ukrainian oblasts—Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia—that were annexed by Russia last September 30. “Ukraine does not have them and cannot get them back.” Meanwhile, Putin’s end game in Odessa, if there is one, is not known.

Despite all the unknowns, the official said, President Biden “should have told Zelensky that he was on his own when it came to the counteroffensive. The balance of power”—against the out-gunned, out-trained, and out-manned Ukrainian forces—“was a settled issue.”

This strikes me as pretty convincing.

The criticism? The official said “waif.” Must be made up, no one says waif!

At this point, with the Ukraine counteroffensive against Russia thwarted, the official said, “Zelensky has no plan, except to hang on. It’s as if he’s an orphan—a poor waif in his underwear—and we have no real idea of what Zelensky and his crowd are thinking. Ukraine is the most corrupt and dumbest government in the world, outside of Nigeria, and Biden’s support of Zelensky can only come from Zelensky’s knowledge of Biden, and not just because he was taking care of Biden’s son.”

Also, no one thinks Ukraine and Nigeria are the most corrupt countries in the world. No one who pays attention, that is.


Isn’t a half-submerged drone just a remote control boat?

Oh yeah, that is just OUTRAGEOUS FAN FICTION.

What are the most corrupt countries in the world? The bad ones, right? Russia and China.

Similarly, a cruise missile is just a remote controlled airplane.

It strikes me as something a competent official would never say. The bit about dumbest government in the world outside of Nigeria is more like what a QAnon loser at an airport bar would say.

The last bit about Zelenskyy having something on Biden, too, obvs. If you’re trying to have a believable story, you edit that shit out as a journalist. Points for honesty I guess?