Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I don’t know why, otherwise excellent posters, have to engage with Jal and keed.


Agreed, I’d prefer if excellent posters like ikes never responded to my posts ever.

Self-determination is apparently getting genocided by an invading force? This is just a disgraceful post, jal.

Update is that the counteroffensive has been a tough slog but there’s still some minimal progress being made. I think the recent attacks on Odessa and bloviating from Lukashenko about Poland are an effort to gin up western support for ending to avoid escalation. It’s Putin reraising on a bluff, which is his go to move.

What’s the bluff representing? And then what’s actual reality?

I understand it’s not how you were brought up but it’s disappointing that by your age you haven’t learnt to put a little more thought into these discussions and a little less knee-jerk reaction.

Putin running out of military strength, finances, diplomatic efforts not working, shaky hold on power after Wagner. He likely wants to end things asap on favorable terms because the future of the war looks bleak for Russia. This is probably the best it’s going to get for a while, where land mines are doing much of the fighting and Ukraine doesn’t yet have F16s and long-range missiles. If he chould freeze the conflict and regroup he could sell that as a win to Russians. Plus, he has to run for fake reelection next year.

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Have you read up on any history of the Russian empire yet, guy? Maybe try knowing things like how Russia took over central and eastern Asia, and how they drove tanks over the border into Ukraine uninvited, before you talk down to your betters.

Have you considered that maybe it’s the genocide denier who’s the problem, and not the people not putting up with his bullshit?


So the bluff is representing that he’s in a militarily strong position right now and is threatening to make substantial progress against the Ukrainians after their failed offensive? That actually kind of tracks with how I see things, except I’m not sure he’s bluffing and think that the Russians might have substantial combat power in the field right now. I don’t know though.

I mean the Russians hurting and the Ukranians are hurting, and he’s trying to show Russians are hurting less, but I suspect that’s not the case. If Ukraine gets a real breakthrough on their counteroffensive they can cutoff the land bridge to Crimea, and then they can finish off the Kerch bridge and would be in a fairly strong position. I think it’s a situation where Ukraine needs to get one breakthrough and Russia needs to avoid any breakthrough.


Given the extreme lack of progress from the spring offensive so far, this seems quite fanciful.

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The Russian delegation arrived in North Korea late on Tuesday, and received a warm welcome on the tarmac at an airport in Pyongyang.

Mr Shoigu walked past a line of saluting soldiers and a red banner emblazoned with the words, “Welcome, Comrade Defence Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu!” in both Korean and Russian.

The Chinese delegation will be led by Li Hongzhong, who is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s central policymaking committee, and will arrive some time on Wednesday, according to a party spokesperson.

China and Russia are both long time allies of North Korea.

Here’s a pretty decent analysis of the current state of the counter-offensive. In general this guy seems pretty balanced on the situation, so doubt he’s just cheer-leading Ukraine.


runner, runner?

Yes, Ike’s makes an idiotic post because he is desperate for engagement and drama but Keed is the problem.

It’s hard to believe someone can be this dumb.

It’s not if you’ve been on this site for any length of time. Just look at the mods they’ve had.

I’m actually interested in your thoughts on this subject Jal. This is really the only political thread I can remember you recently having an actual some sort of position on. I really am interested in how you ended up into doing the same things Russian apologists do. We don’t hear a peep out of you regarding anything bad Russia does, you jump at the slightest thing about the West, and you argue about self-determination and imperialism stuff from what can only be described as a Russian propagandist’s point of view.

You have some fairly leftist views on anti-Imperialism, self-determination, civil rights, etc, and all of those supposed foundational point of views are forgotten on this topic.

It’d make sense if you were some sort of hardcore pacifist, but you’ve never actually said that despite having multiple chances to do so. It’d be logically consistent, if still idiotic, to say you want no part of any violence whatsoever no matter what.

Instead, we get garbage like talk about self-determination and anti-imperialism. Ukraine voted on their independence and they voted on closer ties with Europe. They sure as shit didn’t vote on being taken over by Russia.

The fact that you didn’t apparently realize that Russia has been an empire for a long time after huge campaigns throughout Asia and Eastern Europe is quite funny to me, but you also don’t seem to realize that Russia is occupying three different countries in Europe right now. Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine all have hostile Russian forces in their country right now, and yet you just missed that imperialism currently happening. That’s incredible. That’s Europe Jal, or does Europe end at the Poland border to Brits?

So I’m intrigued Jal, how did you get into this position? Unlike other things for you, I don’t think this is a purely ‘forum warz’ situation (like your covid posting). I’m guessing it plays a part, but it’s more than that. Is it you really just didn’t know about some things and ran your mouth? Is it that you read too much anarchosocialist or tankie stuff not realizing it wasn’t true? Is it that you’re so blinded about hatred of America that you forgot about Russia’s transgressions? Are you that influenced by GG’s of the world? Are you an extreme isolationist that’s willing to let thousands to millions of people die so that you personally don’t face any more risk (looking at you Keeed)?

Let me know dude because I’m actually interested.


Well, in any event, looks like it’s on.