Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

With 40% inflation, Erdogan can’t be happy about grain prices going up. He’s hosting Putin in Turkey next month so we’ll see how persuasive he can be.

I’d have thought unanimity on opposing the bombing of food supplies was a given and doesn’t need to be stated. Not on Planet ikes, apparently.

Wouldn’t Turkey, as a NATO member, be required to snatch Putin for the Hague?

Oh you think that you, sk and others deserve the benefit of the doubt? Funny how that works.

No. Different treaties. And Erdogan is not the most consistent ally. He will do what he thinks is in his best interest.


If you had any common sense you would assume that leftists don’t want to see people starve, but…

I mean, I thought the True Leftists would give a shit enough to want to actually do something about the genocide of Ukrainians, but here we are.


Ok jal you don’t want to see people starve. Your sense of morality is as pure as driven snow.

Anyways, what should be done about those people starving Jal? Ts and Ps?

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I don’t expect shitlibs to want to prevent genocide by allowing self-determination of people, because all that matters to the proud anthem-singing flag-shaggers is fighting enemies they’ve been brainwashed all their lives into hating.

Or rather, demanding that others fight their enemies for them.

It’s pretty sad that all you need to buy into fascist propaganda is to spoon feed you some ‘America bad’ narrative. Self-determination happened, they chose ‘not Russia, yes Ukraine’. Russia decided not to respect that.

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I’m sure your grandparents had a sad when the Indians got out from under their pasty thumbs.

Hey at least we consider imperialists to be our enemies. Meanwhile your enemies are the libs lmao

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Is Joe Biden an imperialist? Opinions vary.

Ahh yes this forum notoriously loves Joe Biden


agreed, you guys definitely seem to love his foreign policy

The same way you guys seemingly love Russia’s

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yeah man for sure

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Biden ended large scale American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus has formed a coalition to protect Ukraine from genocide.

Seems like an overall positive to me, and definitely an improvement. Far better than your preferred policy of letting Ukrainians be murdered in large numbers because it’s inconvenient for you.

Oh great, another derail making it hard to find updates on what’s actually happening.


No one posted anything in this thread for four days. You want an update? Go read a fucken newspaper.