Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I mean you’d probably react the same to all of Sy’s stories if you had read them contemporaneously. The establishment reflexively tried to dismiss and discredit them all.

The fuck is going on? Did some new Hersh reporting drop?


To be clear, I’m not questioning my the existence of some source or sources he’s quoting. I’m questioning their credibility as a person who is giving an honest, informed assessment of US policy regarding the war in Ukraine. I imagine you could find hundreds of people working within the Federal government who would produce very similar quotes. That doesn’t mean we should accept them as an accurate description of reality. Frankly the quote sounds like it was written by Ted Cruz’s comms person.


I laugh at the idea that people here are arguing about the musings of some pundit whom less than 1 out of 100 people on the street could even identify.

Not enough of a celebrity to take seriously.

Should’ve got a Kardashian.

Heard first on UP, the prog…, er left lean… er lib… er conservative forum.

Keep editing…you’ll get it right eventually.

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Cruz is a fervent Ukraine war supporter, but whatever.

Anyway, you think the guy is ill informed? Fine, have at it. Entirely possible. But if someone thinks he’s a Russian secret agent? Come on now.

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Oh my god you had to edit a post! Loser!

CN and Jal are doing their Forum Wars kayfabe.

Keeed is being a contrarian. I disagree with him a lot of the time, but I don’t think he’s dishonestly representing his views.


Being blindly anti-establishment is just as dumb as being blindly pro-establishment. How about you have principles and form an opinion based on the issues at hand.

Saying that Ukraine is the 2nd most corrupt country in the entire world while using an expression that only makes sense as a Russian translation… I think it’s fair to draw some conclusions here.

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I don’t think so. This, the Nordstream article, and the $400M embezzlement Ukraine allegedly made by buying Russian diesel fuel (no details on the logistics of this in an active war) so Putin and oligarchs could make millions(!!!) I just read about all magically rely on single anonymous sources and I do not find that fact and his quoting of his source(s) (are they the same guy? different? only one Hersh knows, and he ain’t tellin!) credible.

I laugh at the idea of someone laughing about people typing words into a box and hitting send about a topic they are interested in.

Which formerly banned poster are you?

Welcome to the forum

Which formerly banned poster are you?

Omg you are a banned poster!

I hope someone saves you from having to read text

All of Hersh’s stories relied on anonymous sources.

Also today’s piece isn’t even reporting. It’s relaying some guy’s opinions. That’s it. Some fucken guy has some takes. Must be a Russian secret agent.

It makes sense in English. I understood it. If it’s the translation of a Russian idiom then an intelligence analyst at the CIA is a guy who might adopt that. Maybe he speaks Russian and likes the idiom. That happens. But the conspiracy theory is that one of this team of Hersh-focused Russian secret agents speaks perfect, American-accented English but still managed to put a translated Russian idiom into the conversation? I mean when you’re running a team of secret agents devoted to filling Sy’s substack with Russian propaganda, I guess slip ups like that could happen. Who knows.

Where in his article did it say they had the conversation on the phone? I missed that.

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