Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

So you do see the relevance?

Yes of course being a member of a proto-NATO would have been good for them but European expansionism/imperialism isn’t relevant here.


No, I still don’t see any relevance in bringing up NATO when a people are facing genocide by colonial forces and somebody suggests that peace is the way out for them.

And expansionism/imperialism is precisely relevant here, because that is precisely what Russia is doing in Ukraine (again), annexing territory and expanding its empire.

What a trite juvenile thing to say.

Oh wait, it’s Andrew Tate’s alt!

Russia doesn’t have an empire. wtf are you talking about?

Putin has been quite adamant about not wanting one either.

Putin also says he’s an expert ice hockey player and horseman. Does this remind you of anyone?

I’m talking about Russia attacking sovereign states and peoples, stealing their land and their children, in an age where many loosely speak of the American Empire; I’d think imperial is a fair descriptor even if it has not been declared so at Versailles, and I wonder if careening into semantics inside of two posts indicates you don’t have a substantive reply to offer.

Even beyond that, a cursory understanding of Russian history would result in the correct description of Russia having an Empire, even if it’s down trending since the USSR collapsed.

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To be fair, he hasn’t invaded the sovereign territory of those pursuits. Nobody cares about DPRK bros never losing at golf.

This is a profoundly ignorant thing to say, and reflects you having a massive knowledge gap about European and Asian history. It’s not my strength to be sure, but modern day Russia is the result of massive imperial conquests from the 1800s on (and I’m sure more).

The equivalent would be me saying America isn’t an Empire because we lost the Philippines or some bullshit

I pretty much agree, but in the interest of charity, maybe there are noteworthy differences (perhaps in terms of administration etc.) between earlier empires and a contemporary authoritarian state that wages wars of territorial conquest, but whatever these differences might be, I doubt they matter much to the people being killed and getting their land annexed.

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Like there is of course an obvious if controversial example of a contemporary state that is arguably annexing land but that most? wouldn’t call an empire, but I don’t know how that advances the give peace a chance side of the argument here.

Which countries and peoples constitute the current day Russian Empire?

There’s actually quite a few, but the ones I’m more aware of are the Tartars and Chechens.

Plus the whole Russia currently occupying Georgia and Ukraine… there’s quite a lot actually.

Yeah, I’m not saying Ukraine should just give Russia everything they want.

I’m saying the world should get together and try to bring the war to an end.

Obviously that is complicated and not easy. I’m just surprised it’s not even talked about.

It’s not an empire, just a regular-ass modern European nation that borders Korea.


It’s juvenile to say war increases the chance of genocide? Insert buzzword or semi famous person that is talked about in the current news cycle. RAIDS baby! You never had the fastball.

The false equivalencies and lack of knowledge of history from both sides of this debate is fun to read.

Just how sure everyone is about their opinions is the amazing thing.

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