Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


That’s why they call him RAIDS

He’s back, he’s back

The difference is I know I don’t know what’s going on over there, you idiot.

Edit: forgot to make a reference to a semi famous person or buzzword debate going on in my reply!

Ok, it’s a somewhat elastic definition that makes a number of European countries also empires.

Errr Russia is actively occupying three countries right now, and they conquered huge territories through massive colonial expansion… but sure jal

How did the other countries become empires? lol?

By being afraid of NATO

Am I supposed to be so shocked by the idea that the Netherlands might be an empire that I should reconsider Russia being one? Of course the Netherlands is an empire. A shell of what it was sure, but an empire nonetheless.

Why would I consider whether you’re shocked or not? Weird question. Weird to put yourself at the centre of someone else’s conversation too.

Maybe the long-run goal should be for Russia to give up hope of being a regional hegemon, transform into a Western-style democracy, and eventually join NATO, which pivots into becoming more of an alliance meant to balance against China.

You not knowing what’s going on whatsoever, admitting it, and still posting dumb shit confidently is chef’s kiss

Taking notes on a 4 lyfe

Yes, bring them to heel, like the Confederacy, and make them march to Appomattox with less generous terms than Grant gave.

OMG he admitted it!

Jesus man, you never had a fastball and you are just not good at this.

Keep watching the youtubez and twitters to get more buzzwords to throw in though.

He posting confidently that he is not confident about the information coming out of that part of the world! OMG he admitted it!

Did he admit it tho! Nice youtubez work!

You were the one accusing me of being unable to find Ukraine on a map, while you apparently haven’t even heard of Siberia or had any inkling about why it wasn’t just called “Russia.”

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Doesn’t explain why I’m supposed to care whether you’re shocked or not about a convo you’re not part of.

It’s a bit creepy tbh.

Turkey has said it would provide security if the agreement is not renewed. My guess is it will be renewed because Russia couldn’t stop shipments anyway. At least not without confronting the Turkish navy, which seems like a really bad idea.


Well that would have been useful to know 10 minutes ago! I blame Elon.