Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

There’s a separate thread for that but Ukraine doesn’t have apartheid so it’s YASA.

“Hey up to them if they want to give in to all of Russia’s demands or get destroyed by them. I don’t have an opinion.”

OK TY for your profound analysis


I don’t support the “annexation” of anything because it implies nation states dictating to communities.

In your YASA if the people in Sudetenland decided in a vote to become part of Germany I’d certainly support that.

I’m referring to the logic of shipping a bunch of people into an area and calling it yours.

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You thinking those two situations are the same is the good bit.

lol what analysis? It’s a distinction: I’m talking about what I think the US should have done. That impacts what Ukraine will do but doesn’t determine it. They still have agency with or without US support.

We don’t think it’s the same. You said:

“Ukraine should negotiate because the majority in some areas identify as Russian.”

No one’s getting into Israel and 1967 and how that makes it an exception itt. Nice try though.

It’s a copout. You say what the US should do. I ask, and then what will happen to Ukraine? And you respond with the

I think I’ve made it clear I don’t gaf if Russia or Ukraine rules eastern Ukraine. Why do you care?


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That is Zelensky’s wife in the blue dress holding hands with the other woman.

You anti-anti-Putinists are are so desperately thirsty, lol.


I guess if this happens a lot to you at parties it would seem perfectly normal.

By we do you mean all of us? Come on man, that’s not how it works in the real world. Putin needed no one’s permission to start this war. You’re entitled to your outrage but there’s no morally simple way to fight back.

Maybe if you were paying attention, you would have seen that I was granting Keeed one of his own premises rather than buying into them. I do not ascribe to realism.

Silly or not, we should never accept using military force to change land borders.

I mean, it’s OK to think that pulling the lever to kill one person is worse than doing nothing and letting 5 die, but there are many who disagree with you.

Because you have also gotten really upset when I described your position as not giving a fuck about genocide.

Me: Russia invaded Ukraine and is committing genocide against them!
You: I begrudgingly acknowledge this is true after more than a year, but you were sucking up propaganda andwere only correct accidentally.
Me: OK whatever, we should arm the people who are fighting back against this atrocity.
You: no
Me: You realize these people want to fight back against genocide, conquest, and kidnapping?
You: Not all of them. Not the Russian speakers.
Me: Zelenskyy is a native Russian speaker, and he nevertheless wants to fight back. The people of Eastern Ukraine overwhelmingly voted to leave Russia in 1991, and they overwhelmingly voted for Zelenskyy over the pro-Russian dude. They are fighting back right now. We should give them weapons.
You: no
Me: OK, what should they do?
You: Negotiate
Me: With a state unworthy of trust that has no incentive to abide by any agreement and with no entity capable of enforcing such an agreement with risking World War 3?
You: Don’t you give a fuck about the people getting slaughtered and the kids getting stolen?
You: No, you are the one who doesn’t care. Genuine carers do nothing.


Imaginary conversations with a version of me you’ve invented for this purpose might be very entertaining for some, but has no other value. By all means continue with the shitposting though.