Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

It’s always projection. “You’re all a bunch of reflexive Russian haters inundated by propaganda!” exclaims man who also argues that reflexive America hate the s, in fact, good.


No one is going to fall for this bs. America is far from a perfect actor. That doesn’t make your position any less dumb. Russia invaded Ukraine without any reasonable provocation, kidnapped children in large numbers, killed tens of thousands and more. They are the bad guys here. The USAs prior actions and flaws and ulterior motives, real and imagined, don’t change that

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And without realizing the irony of that position. I read that post in utter awe of the absurdity of it.

I’m absolutely baffled jal. You’re willing to Stan for Russia like the USA called you racist four years ago on an online forum.

Oh wait… makes more sense now.

That describes your position and history along with many others, and you don’t like it despite or maybe because of your recent track record of voting for a fucking Republican governor to become President.

Perfect, no notes. Exactly the type of post I wanted after mine

Where are you from, what do you believe? What do you think is the purpose of government and what system helps to fulfill that purpose? I’m just trying to get a sense of what your positive case is. East asian nonaligned movement? Post colonial South American? Islamic orientated Pan African? Irish catholic unification? Chomskyite Youtubeism? Lex Friedmansim? I’d need more context to understand where you are coming from and who hurt you.

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@Jalfrezi i would really like for you to explain how voting for a very libertarian Gary Johnson in a blue state in 2012 makes the Russian genociders the good guys. Please expand as much as possible.

Edit: please also include how Keeed being an anarchocapitalist supporting Russia is ok. Note to keeed: forgive me if I’m wrong about your dabbling with ACism

Edit 2: holy shit you had just registered for 2+2 in 2012. Good god. Also pretty sure Gary Johnson was far more of a dove than Obama

I believe in small government managing public utilities, services , amenities etc but redistributing much other wealth locally so people can decide how they want it spent.

I want income tax, which is ridiculously expensive and easily avoided by those who should pay the most, replaced with a wealth tax based on land/property. If some crank billionaire wants to only have a shed off the M1 they can live free of income tax as far as I care.

I want private schools to be abolished so the best teaching is available to the largest number of kids and classism is discouraged.

In a country where land is at a premium and no one wants the beautiful countryside ruined i want restrictions on the number of homes an individual can own. I also want compulsory purchase orders on properties that have been empty for a long period, adding them to the stock of public housing. There’s an absolute shit ton of long term empty housing here and many thousands of homeless people. Hello?

In terms of values, I dislike land borders, flags, nationalism and patriotism and see these as antiquated concepts that have no place in a connected online world of mass migration and travel, and are too easily gamed by politicians working peoples emotions for their own ends. See my previous posts.

I dislike materialism and see it as destructive.

I like immigration, a lot, and peoples right to self determination.


By definition, the war will continue until there’s a negotiated settlement or one side totally collapses.

Pretty damn similar to Gary Johnson 2012 tbh. At least on some of your key points

Sure a republican governor was going to do any of that lol

Johnson was an anti war, very pro-immigration, pro pot legalization, against mass incarceration and was to the left of Obama one many issues. I’m sorry dude this one just isn’t going to work out for you. Lots of people were pretty annoyed at Obama in 2012 for steering towards the center, especially for the Iraq war. We would still be in Iraq when he was done.

He was a two faced Republican who failed to act on his promises and wanted to build private prisons while doing nothing to release dope smokers from jail.

Not hard to see why some self professed rich white enclave dwelling liberals preferred Gary Johnson to son of a Kenyan Barrack Obama though (who did turn out to be a total washout, though people didn’t know that at the time even though the clue was in his job title, “lawyer”).

So let’s get this straight. Gary Johnson was some two faced lying politician who wasn’t actually going to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan… but Obama wasn’t?

Because I got bad news for how that Obama stuff worked out. Not exactly the best part of his legacy.

Regardless, you’re still supporting genocidal murderers reflexively because they’re not American. So good luck with that

In which an actual non reader or functionally illiterate poster decided to reply after reading only the first six words.

Your last half a dozen posts have been total drivel even by your own standards. It’s time you went to bed.


Scaredy cat wealthy white libs like ikes and wookie were looking for reasons not to vote for the black guy, and landed on Gary Johnson despite having shown no previous interest in claimed Libertarianism.

Once they realised how non-radical Obama was they voted for him next time.

With conservatives it’s always projection.

Sorry if you’re offended.

This is amazing…

Gary Johnson only got on the ballot in 2012.

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