Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

A senior Turkish official has strongly denied reports alleging that Ankara delivered cluster bombs to Ukraine last year.

“We don’t have cluster munitions and we haven’t provided them to Ukraine,” Ibrahim Kalin, the Turkish president’s spokesperson, said on Saturday in a briefing with reporters.

“Ukrainians themselves denied it.”

Thou cannost deliver what thou does not have

US IS SHORT OF AMMO? first RU now US? Be sending nukes next cause low on conventional weapons - could arrange a collection of heavier munitions from a few citizens - could call it an amnesty

This is already false.

You don’t have to do anything. I’d rather you never posted again. But for people who are posting here, I judge them on the battles they choose to fight.

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Good. Enough of your puerile accusations contrived from a conservative viewpoint that you lack the intellectual honesty to ever admit.

The claim they don’t have them is very likely a lie. They probably used them against the Kurds in the 90s. They certainly had some in the 2000s (the US sold to them, and they produced them themselves). What happened to them? Their current policy seems to be they’re fine to use if they feel like they have to:

Turkey’s military doctrine continues to call for the use of cluster munitions in the event of an ‘all-out war.’” (Cluster Munition Ban Policy | Reports | Monitor)

But where do they expect to suddenly get them if they don’t already have them?

I would think governments and media that display such concern about a weapons transfer in the open would be less willing to take the word of an autocrat’s spokesperson that they aren’t doing something clandestinely when there are multiple sources saying they are.

And as for the Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey, what would you expect him to say in that circumstance? He doesn’t want to piss off the Turks, who were most definitely supplying other weapons to Ukraine. And he also can’t antagonize the Americans. Admitting they went around them after his government had already asked them for cluster munitions and been denied might do that and put the US in the position of having to condemn both of its allies. What’s a diplomat to do but lie?

It’s a convoluted game but everybody’s playing.


What’s your ideological position or influences? “Shitposter” is the only intellectual position I’ve been able to discern. I mean it’s fine if you are an anarchist or Stalinist and/or committed to the reemergence of the Tamil or Scottish race or whatever, but I just can’t tell based on your posts.


Russia’s maximal war aims (puppet government in Kiev) are laughably out of reach. Basically Putin is going to destroy as much of Russia’s army as he possibly can, then be forced to go home. Let us all fervently hope that his worldview gets a needed dose of realism sooner rather than later.


I don’t know what the Russian’s actual current war aims are, no one does. What I mean is that Russia isn’t going to accept a peace settlement or frozen conflict because they know that the US might use that to enter into an alliance with Ukraine. So they’re going to try and achieve what they can without negotiation. Maybe you’re right and the war is going great for Ukraine but that doesn’t seem to jive with the news of the last few months.

Russia will not fight as hard if Ukraine has no outside support is a really dumb position that is contradicted by the entirety of evidence available. The only way you could think that is if you’re following someone who’s been wrong about this conflict the entire time in Mearsheimer.



I don’t think Keeed will change his stripes anytime soon.

Oh, you’re talking about Putin. Well then that would mean the West won which will really piss off the stiff upper lip Brits itt.

Since the NeoCons took over, and often before, you can safely oppose every US action abroad and rarely be wrong because it’s usually driven by economic self interest or pathetic anti communist paranoia.

Ukraine happens to be both inasmuch as people here, probably including you, lazily and racistly think Russians = were Commies = orcs.

Actually “think” is over generous. It’s a reflexive response programmed into most Americans over several decades of brainwashing, anthem singing and flag shagging that begins at an early age.

Most people here will have supported the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan at the time and voted Republican (not that the Dems often did things much differently).

Some brighter ones see through all this, but for obvious reasons are usually put off posting itt by the treatment meted out to non conformists, by two posters in particular.

So we have cluster bombs are necesssary because Russia has them, despite the untold loss of lives of future generations of Ukrainians, which just goes to show how none of this debate itf is about the lives of people living in Ukraine, and it exactly tracks the US gov foreign policy, as always.


More bait

This entire post is bait.

An ideology of “America Bad” is actually, explicitly, what you believe, which is the exact inverse of this stupid point… which no one believes.

People don’t like Russia here because they invaded Ukraine and started a genocide before they were thrown back. It’s really not complicated


It’s an honest post.

If you think it’s just bait then don’t bite.

Jal america bad is not an actual ideology. People don’t like Russia because they invaded a country and attempt a genocide. You are exactly what you accuse us of… only against the USA of all things.

I sincerely hope this is more of your pathetic forum war stuff because this is a truly awful and poorly thought out position. You seem to actually believe this though, which yikes

US foreign policy since WW2 has almost always been bad. Get it right.

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For example, recent policy toward Ukraine is quite good.