Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

If Prigozhin isn’t dead within 72 hours that says something on its own.


Treason against which country?

Clearly I wanted to get into a debate about the legal definition of treason and not just make a point about what Putin-slurping scumbags these guys are.

You’re in the wrong on this and so are they. You’d have been a “well, actually we need to be realistic” about Hitler right up until it was obvious the Germans were going to lose (then denied it after the war). Not gonna engage any further. Putting you on ignore for a week because I know where it’s going.

Not only am I in the wrong, I’m also a traitor. I’m just trying to understand which country I’ve committed treason against.

Yeah, though to my untrained eye it’s Kadyrov who appears to come out of this looking strongest. Initially at least, all very confusing!

Btw with the plugin I’m using old blue checks are real blue checks (from the before times). $ blue checks are paid.


More like Muskovites

So much for my Robert Wagner theory…


My husband doesn’t have twitter.

This started and ended and he didn’t even know about it because no major news outlets were reporting on it until after he went to bed last night, and he left early this morning for a car thing.

And here I was struggling to fall asleep because I was worried about 6000 nukes falling into the hands of…who the hell knows.

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Being a mercenary is a lot better job when you’re fighting civilians and weak forces. Pays better too.

Still, I think he’s dead in a week.


I doubt it. He’s not an idiot, no way he lets anyone not in his inner circle near him.

Prigozhin has leverage as long as his forces can strangle supplies to the front lines. He implied a threat to do that at the start. He’d be foolish to give it up anytime soon. A lot of people will be trying to kill him. Crazy situation.

so is that where the 6 billion went?

also we’re not the worst coup attempt


You won't believe it but some Wagner guys seem really mad about this.

— Dmitri (@wartranslated) June 24, 2023

Totally believable.

Succession writers are behind this I assume

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