Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Also do you think the Wagner troops are playing “Ride of The Valkyries” as they are approaching Moscow?


Is the Wagner group actually named after the composer?

You’re right; maybe they are named after the actor Robert Wagner because Prigoschin is a big “Hart to Hart” fan! :transmet_smiley:


Yeah, it’s a dumb stereotype: even the enlisted guys are more educated than the average American and most have middle-class backgrounds. US military has always been a reliable, low-barrier path to a middle-class life in the US.

Or maybe he’s a fan of the former mayor of NYC?

Biden is a chump and this wouldn’t have happened if he was president

This seems really hard to believe.

Wagner group seems badass now, but once the Rimsky-Korsakov group and other Russian nationalist composers take the field, we’ll see.


No. The Ukrainian take was that they’re cowards who don’t do real fighting.

I could be wrong but I’m looking at this

You have to remember that people with health problems, the elderly, drug issues, etc. are largely going to get filtered out.

Wait, what?

Well that was unexpected

Yeah, Spiegel also just wrote they stopped the march on Moscow.


If true, does he really believe they wont kill him anyway?

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Scumbag fucking traitors.

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Maybe they needed to go back to get a bunch of dimes.


I want to believe


It sort of makes sense if the goal was not to overthrow Putin but to get more power in the military hierarchy. This shows how vulnerable the regime is and that no one is really able to stop Wagner if they did go for the coup. It puts them in a much better spot in terms of negotiating.