Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

The Press Secretary for the Russian Presidential Office, Dmitry Peskov has announced that while Wagner PMC Forces are moving back to their Field Camps in the Luhansk Region of Eastern Ukraine the Leader of the Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin is currently on his way to Belarus.

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) June 24, 2023

He guaranteed his safety or something?

Is it to far reached to assume that these mercenaries earned more money with Wagner than they will get from mother Russia. I would be pissed. Not to mention the other stuff like gear etc.

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It first reminds me of a Russian saying that those who have served in the army don’t laugh in the circus.

— Michael Kofman (@KofmanMichael) June 24, 2023


Pretty sick to admit that you know when MrSkydiver went to bed and woke up better than she does.

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Pretty dumb to admit you don’t know what the word “night” means. You’re usually better at hiding your ignorance.

The way that the Russian Ministry of Defense and Kremlin are talking it sounds like Prigozhin decided to “Jump Ship” and Retire to a Life in Belarus, while Wagner Forces will be Reorganized under the MoD with the remainder going on with their Lives; this may be the End of Wagner.

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) June 24, 2023

He could have taken his money trucks and done this any time. Maybe Putin got hold of somebody he actually cares about. Or maybe his bank accounts.


That’s Jack Bauer Level **** imo. Come to think of it - wouldn’t the whole thing fit into a season of “24” now?


I am assuming Wagner paid better money than the motherland. Doubt his fighters will be happy. But if its the end of Wagner its at least one good thing. Not sure what happens to all the assets overseas.

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This is too much. I’m out for the day.

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Man Russia is fucked up to a degree I can’t wrap my head around.

When you think about it, Russia is just like the United States.

Any denial by USAians is just projection plain and simple.


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Not the plot twist I was expecting when I went to bed last night.

Sure, America is a declining Empire just like Russia and the United Kingdom. They are definitely the two most similar countries and have similar issues due to that common cause. I hope we end up more like the UK than Russia when we are finally overtaken in the world order but I wouldn’t predict it.

So if Belarus invades and Wagner marches on Moscow, does Putin nuke Belarus?

Jack Bauer is dropped into Ukraine because the CIA got wind that Prigozhin is up to something, and they wanna know what’s going on. Jack did some time together with Prigozhin while under cover as a weapons dealer due to some Russian **** in a previous season, and they became best buds. So Jack shows up with the story that he’s back in the game and has to get rid of some larger quantities of military grade weapons, and that market-wise YP, as he calls him, looked like a buyer. YP says great I’m planning a coup against Putin and need to pack some serious heat!

Over the next 24 episodes, Jack gets into all kinds of shenanigans, switching sides several times, torturing a Georgian secret agent played by Steven Seagal, and somehow working in the background of all the events we just saw unfold. At the end he convinces YP to go into exile in Belarus, and bring Putin down from there, and with the help of the Georgian agent with whom Jack became best buds they make the deal. The End.



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So this whole thing was basically just an aggressive salary negotiation? I respect the power move.

Quiet quitting is so 2022.