Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I think the Wagner people are potcommitted now. Would you really believe Russian assurances if you go back to the front you are fine? There will always be a time for a cleanse.


AP Wagner: “Pypa (Putin) made the wrong choice. That’s worse for him. Soon we will have a new president.”


Full morning of 24 June address by Putin to the nation in regards to the military coup:

"I appeal to the citizens of Russia, to the personnel of the Armed Forces, law enforcement and security services, fighters and commanders currently fighting on their positions, repelling the enemy attacks, doing it heroically.

I spoke to the commanders in all directions last night. I appeal also to those who were deceptively pulled into the criminal adventure, pushed towards a serious crime of an armed mutiny.

Russia today is leading the most difficult war for its future, repelling the aggression of neo-nazis and their handlers. Against us, the whole military, economical and information machines of the West are turned.

We fight for the lives and security of our people. For our sovereignty and independence. The right to remain Russia, a state with 1000 years of history.

It’s a battle where the fate of our people is decided requires uniting of all our forces, unity, consolidation and responsibility. Everything else hat weakens us must be shoved to the side.

Our external enemies are using any arguments to undermine us from within. Thus, actions splitting our unity is a betrayal of our people, our combat brothers who fight now at the frontline. It’s a strike in the back of our country and our people.

Exactly this strike was dealt in 1917 when the country was in WW1, but its victory was stolen. Intrigues, and arguments behind the army’s back turned out to be the greatest catastrophe, destruction of the army and the state, loss of huge territories, resulting in a tragedy and a civil war.

Russians were killing Russians, brothers killing brothers. But the beneficiaries were various political chevaliers of fortune and foreign powers who divided the country, and tore it into parts. We will not let this happen.

We will protect our people and state from any threats, including internal betrayal. What we’re facing is exactly internal betrayal. Extraordinary ambitions and personal interests led to treason. Treason of their own country and people and of the case that fighters of Wagner were dying for alongside our soldiers.

Heroes who liberated Soledar and Artemivsk, towns and cities of the Donbas. They fought and were giving lives to Novorossiya and the unity of the Russian world. Their name and glory were also betrayed by those who are trying to organise the mutiny, pushing the country into anarchy and brother-killing, to a defeat, in the end, and capitulation.

Repeat: any internal mutiny is a deadly threat to our state, to us as a nation. It’s a strike against our nation, our people. And our actions to defend the fatherland from such a threat will be brutal.

Anyone who consciously went on the path of betrayal, who prepared the armed mutiny, went on the path of blackmail and terrorist actions, will take an inevitable punishment.

They will answer to the law and our people. The Armed Forces and other departments were properly instructed. Extra anti-terrorist measures are now being implemented in Moscow, Moscow region, and a number of other regions.

Decisive actions will be taken to stabilise the situation in Rostov-on-Don. It remains difficult. The operation of civilian and military control departments is practically blocked.

As a President of Russia and the Supreme Commander, as a citizen of Russia, I will do everything to defend the country, protect the Constitution, lives and safety, liberty of the citizens.

Those who prepared the military mutiny, who raise weapons against combat brothers, have betrayed Russia, and will pay for this. And those who are being pulled into the crime, I’m asking to not make this crucial, tragic, unrepeatable mistake. Do the one right choice - stop participating in criminal actions.

I believe that we will defend and preserve what’s sacred for us. And together with the motherland, we will overcome all challenges, and become even stronger.


Wagner prob having nukes is not good tho

That’s an interesting rewriting of the history of the Russian Revolution.

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Apparent Russian air strike on Russian military HQ in Rostov, Russia:

Wild video of a helicopter almost getting shot down:

Edit: Bobman beat me to it.

Voronezh. Incredible, the Russians need these things at the front against Ukraine’s Western armor and they’re in limited supply.

I don’t know which rumors are hardest to believe. New physics breakthroughs, UFOs, or Putin making arrangements to leave the country.

Bombing in Voronezh

new title: Ukraine Invasion/Russian Revolution 2: Electric Boogaloo


I feel like Ukraine has to take advantage here. If they can use this opportunity to get past the fortifications on the front then the offensive which seemed to not be going well could still end up routing the Russians. I don’t see how the Russians can resupply the front at this point without risking providing assets and ammo to the other side of the civil war.

How many troops does Wagner even have?

Even if you are a loyal Putin supporter in the inner circle you have to be uneasy regardless how that plays out. There are probably going to be purges and you never know who has your number or wants your seat at the table.

I think the big question is whether Ukraine is in a position to force a breakthrough in the defensive line. It doesn’t seem like any of this chaos will prevent the dudes in the trenches from shooting at advancing Ukrainians. But if they can get through the line, it will definitely be harder for Russia to contain them, with all their aircraft bombing targets in Russia and the need to hold back reserves to defend against attacks from the rear.

If they can’t realistically do that in pretty short order, it’s probably not worth doing anything different than they otherwise would.


If they can’t breakthrough in this scenario, how are they ever going to do it when the coup is over?

There have to be places where the front line has Wagner guys really closely to regular Russian units or places that they know cannot be resupplied and the Russian defenders can only fight back until the ammo runs out.

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Prigozhin might have to survive a while for this to begin to affect the battles on the front line. Has to have a big psychological impact though.

Meanwhile, one rumor is Putin went to St Petersburg. Medvedev and others also left Moscow. Lukashenko to Turkey.

It seems that it’s time to call on the Moscow regime to sit down at the negotiating table with the leaders of Voronezh and Rostov.

25000 from what I hear

From my understanding the Wagner guys are much better fighters than the rest of the military and there’s probably a bunch of them that see this as a way out of getting killed in Ukraine.

Russia’s frontlines could be getting weaker by the day as a result of this so why rush things now? Also, it could work and Russia may voluntarily withdraw if it does.

Bakhmut could be what ended up breaking Russia. The internal stress just kept building. There’s no way to really know but it makes the Ukrainian decision to defend it look good.