Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

This is the first I’ve seen of actual video confirmation that something is going on:

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Supposedly Wagner troops have surrounded the military building. I would have thought it was the military but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people pushing back against it being Wagnerites. Maybe it’s from something else and someone’s trying to pass it off as happening now?

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Like what’s the plan from here?

Even getting this far, I would think there’d have to be a genuine plan.

People saying 25k Wagner troops, but how many just traveled 100 miles and how many are loyal to Wagner over the state? Maybe have like 1-2k troops? Enough for a headache but not to win a real fight without support of the military? But they’re fighting the military?!

It seems like the immediate aim is to replace.the leadership of the Southern Military District headquartered in Rostov, which controls part of the front in Ukraine. If Prigozhin can make it back to occupied Ukraine alive and Shoigu appoints a new general he likes, Prigozhin might dodge a firing squad for a few months.

Some more images

Yeah, but Putin would need to fire some military leaders in the face of a coup. Doesn’t seem recoverable.


“We are afraid ourselves.” A journalist from the Belarusian newspaper “Zerkalo”, disguised as a local resident, called the Rostov police. Here’s what she was told

The front office of the Rostov Regional Department of Internal Affairs did not pick up the phone. But the police department #1 in Voroshilovsky District of Rostov answered. Here is what dialogue followed:

  • Hello, read Prigozhin’s statement about the mutiny, then the statement about the criminal case for calling for mutiny. Prigozhin says that he and his fighters are going to march for justice, to destroy Shoigu, talked about Rostov-on-Don. What to do now?

  • Nothing. To stay at home.

  • And how long will it take?

  • We don’t know. We don’t know. We’re in shock ourselves.

  • Listen, can we go out tomorrow, or should we stay home?

  • I don’t know. Let’s at least live till tomorrow morning. It’s only midnight.

  • I’m afraid there will be some pogroms in the night or something.

  • We’re scared ourselves. I don’t know. We don’t know. Nobody says anything. It’s all murky.

  • Aren’t there going to be any instructions to people?

  • I don’t know.

  • Who to call, who to ask, what to do?

  • No one, I’m afraid. Watch the news and listen to what they say.

Russia is in the Wagner group’s geo-political sphere of influence, and ought to surrender before the superior power before provoking a world war. Wagner Group is, of course, playing the great game that major powers always play.



Russia needs to come to the table with Wagner and compromise.


“You know, I’ve always liked Perogies, tough, a real killer, you have to kind of admire him, invading his own country like that, I mean everyone was saying Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine and this guy invaded Russia, but I have to say this, this whole thing would never have happened if I were President. It would never have happened. But the crooked media and the radical Marxist Democrat thugs…”


It’s Saturday morning in Ukraine. Should they push the offensive or rest/regroup for a day and see what develops? I’m undecided but lean toward push.

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Comes down to if you think if further attacks would cause Russia to stop fighting themselves.

Seems unlikely, so push. Who the fuck will want to die while Russia is fighting themselves behind you?

Seeing the same kind of euphoria on Twitter that was evident at the outset of the Ukraine War when it appeared Ukraine might swiftly repel attacking Russian forces.

We all know how that ended.

Prigozhin demands to see Gerasimov and Shoigu, threatening a march to Moscow otherwise. He tells the two generals that he’s staying put in Rostov, with his men, until they arrive.

I have no idea how this will shake out, but it’s definitely bad for Russia. The current front line is pretty much best case scenario based on the first week of the war, where there were three groups of forces pushing toward Kiev.

“Very savvy. Genius move.”