Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I never excused Russia for anything. I pointed out simps staggering hypocrisy.

It’s not even remotely close to hypocrisy unless you think simp is personally culpable for American meddling.

And yes, you have absolutely excused Russia for invading by blaming America.


you are a liar

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Is pointing out that the reason why Al-queda did the 9/11 is because of blowback from decades of harmful and counterproductive US policy excusing the 9/11 attacks? That’s obviously what David Frum and Vicky Nuland and Dick Cheney and Joe Biden and other neocons would say. But of course it doesn’t excuse the terrorism, just points out what caused the terrorism. Similarly pointing out what caused a war doesn’t excuse the launching of it.

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I’ve come to agree with John Mearsheimer’s position on Ukraine: that the US and the West precipitated the crisis in Ukraine by trying to extend NATO and EU expansion right up to Russia’s borders, including particularly sensitive states to Russia like Ukraine and Georgia. And that those actions by the West are what led to the Russian interventions in Georgia and Crimea.

Ukraine was always a red line for the Russians. Mearsheimer’s thesis is that Ukraine trying to get into NATO and the EU is what caused the Crimean crisis, that the Crimean annexation was Russia reacting to this red line being violated. And that if Ukraine kept trying to cozy up to the West Russia could and would wreck Ukraine:

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lol how do you think that contradicts the above?

Of course saying someone else is the cause is excusing their behavior! If you don’t think the other party is the cause, then you call it a motive.

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bro what the fuck are you talking about

Jesus Christ, shut up.


eat shit

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Followed with literal excuses for Russia (always a red line)

Just lol, every time. Followed with sea lioning, every time.

Can we pre-excise this debate to the bickering thread as there’s actually significant news happening on this subject now?


Sorry no. SK gets to shit all over whatever the major story of the day is


So is Putin already dead then or what. Sure would be a good time to be able to trust verified accounts on the worlds most popular social media app!

So basically nobody has any idea what’s actually going on?

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The brains trust of UP seems to think it’s all theatre, which means it probably isn’t.

They would have had to also hack several Wagner friendly accounts and have Prigozhin not bother denying it. A fake or false flag attack on Wagner by the RuAF seems more plausible.

A dude liveblogging an attempted coup he is leading is kinda fun.