Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Screenshot 2023-06-23 150631


New theory if this is more than a farce, maybe he was getting the heave-ho behind the scenes and was facing real danger, and this is his last play while he still controls some forces? If this is for real then he ded.

If there’s no fighting in Rostov then this is just half assed posturing gone wrong. Still ded tho.

Russian state TV network Channel One says a special news broadcast will begin “soon.”

Screenshot 2023-06-23 152411

Is there anywhere any live coverage?

I think Twitter is about as good as it gets. Coups are difficult to follow in real time.

missed this addition, this is something else. An American lecturing Russia about not taking over sovereign states and dictating its insane postwar vision to the world is fucken wild.


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General of the Russian Army and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Sergey Surovikin has called on Wagner Commanders to, “Stop the Columns and return their Forces to the Points of Permanent Deployment” with this statement indicating that Wagner Forces may be on the move towards Moscow.

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) June 23, 2023

Sounds like some crossing the Rubicon shit.

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Is there any possibility these Prigozhin videos are deepfakes made by Ukraine?

I’m wondering if Prig is hoping that as Wagner troops move East that Russian troops will actually join them, like the French troops did when Napoleon returned.



So is this a civil war now or just a special domestic dispute?



The only possible response. You of course know that America had done all that and more over the last seventy years and the “rules based international order” is only breached when a non-US country follows the US example. We make the rules, you do what we say.

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…and in the unlikely event that the above actually occurs, Putin likely:

  1. Skips town?
  2. Sets up a secure perimeter and tries to see how much of the military he still controls?
  3. Goes Medieval and uses any means, including tactical nukes, to try to destroy them?


Bro, some of us listened when our parents taught us that some other party doing a bad thing doesn’t excuse you from doing a bad thing.

I remember when there were rumors of Zelensky leaving Ukraine and it seemed likely. Putin having to get out of Dodge seems crazy.

Russian media:

"The source says there is panic in the Kremlin, no one can reach Putin"

"Source: Right now the Kremlin is negotiating about something with general governor Dyumin"

Source: Some people in the Kremlin, from the presidential administration, are finding out about a possible emergency relocation. One of the few available destinations is Uruguay".

— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) June 23, 2023