Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I don’t know what’s going on, but it looks like shit is about to get funky. I see no reason why they do not eliminate Prigozin, as he’s sprinted past some pretty bright lines. Only thing I can think is that maybe they were trying to eliminate him, but what happens to Wagner if he’s gone? In any event, it would at least tie up some Russian forces or make any area Wagner is defending weak to attack from Ukraine. Again, I have no idea what the hell is going on, just seems crazy.

It’s just theater, there’s a reason he hasn’t fallen out of a window yet and it’s probably not because he’s indispensable. Keeping him around is a way to keep the military leadership on its toes. Not like Putin is happy with their overall performance in the war.

They guy having his own army might have something to do with it.


Let’s see what the experts say.

Just in:

Maybe it’s a brain tumor.

Well the neocons in charge wanted a Russian coup. Wonder if Prigozen is the guy they really want in charge over there though.


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My point is that it was an idiotic, insane aspiration the whole time because whoever overthrows Putin isn’t going to be a pro-Western reformer. It’s going to be a maniac.

I highly doubt it’s a coup. There’s no step 2 that makes any sense. However, I’m all in favor of an attempted coup if it ties up the Russian military and eliminates Wagner (which, to my understanding, is something of a cult of Prigozhin).

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I’m fine with a maniac. What’s he gonna do, invade Ukraine?

Russia has destabilized the world since the end of WWII. Places like North Kora and Syria wouldn’t exist without Russian efforts to dictate its insane vision to the world. Russia needs to learn that you do not take over other sovereign states in the 21st century, as that the baseline for world stability. It needs to accept its place in the world.

Are you familiar with how the US got involved in World Wars one and two? We didn’t decide to directly join the war, other countries decided for us.

More in two than one obviously, but the German unrestricted sub warfare was a big piece of it.

I don’t see how Putin gets overthrown in the short term. Wagner has some sway but they don’t have the guns, personnel or logistics to pull anything off. They’re useful to Putin but I don’t see them being absolutely required. Seems like a case of getting too big for your britches. I don’t see it being a devastating blow to Russia either. Most Wagner people will get absorbed into the Russian military or being jailed or executed but most likely they’ll join the military. Wagner doesn’t seem to have a huge domestic sway either, not enough to cause trouble. Infighting is mostly good though for Ukraine, but I doubt they’re popping the champaign over this.

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True, but some of what’s happening is likely based on Prigozhen’s understanding of the fight on the ground, troop situation, and Russia’s general situation. I’m not anticipating Putin is in danger, or even that an actual coup attempt would interfere that much with the war, but it sure isn’t good for them.