Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

chris is usually fairly logical, but on this issue he is starting from a bad premise, cherry-picks events that occurred around the pipeline explosion, and comes up with a results-oriented justification of how it might go. so i called him out on it. using a nuke “might spook” china to no longer be allies with russia and help ukraine? china isn’t allied with russia, they are using russia for its resources and as an anti-west vector, and likewise they won’t be helping ukraine unless it benefits china.

i think it’s safe to assume a tactical nuke in ukraine would cause thousands of deaths (not just military deaths), or even tens of thousands in the years that follow. even if you assume that the allies immediately mobilize and liberate occupied ukraine following a strike, to call that a net benefit is more than charitable, it’s magical thinking.

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I don’t read Chris’s post here as anything more than a quick throwaway hypothetical

I don’t want to put words in his mouth but to me this reads like “Escalation benefits Ukraine because they’re the underdog in the fight” and not as a deeply thought out scenario whereby Ukraine is trying to provoke Russia into nuking them for some perceived benefit.

ok thats fair. that’s why i threw the hypothetical away, and apparently used the wrong modal.

now let me derail away from that and into a discussion how AI neural nets are definitely evolving into a real threat. by which i mean, LDPR party in the russian duma created a gpt bot that emulates what its long time leader and notable fascist would have said. video doesn’t embed, take this as a trigger warning.

Behold the Vladimir Zhirinovsky neural network. It says Ukraine is a “swamp full of traitors and Russophobes.”

It’s ok that these two posts don’t really follow, in terms of the logical continuation of a conversation, and it’s never bad to share some some lesser-known historical facts. Just know that in regards to anything outside the scope of my previous sentence, this below is the absolute kiss of death.

Seriously, just feed all your posts into a neural net GPT bot and have it find any patterns in which ones do and don’t get The Scarlet C.

Look at what could’ve been avoided.



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He attempted to scourge me with that curse, knowing not that I’ve put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

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the reason those historical facts are lesser-known, is due to the airbrushing of history, which is a huge part of bolshevik/stalin/putin doctrine. i thought it would speak to you, since that’s wehre you drew the line on stalin.

my time limit on this site is almost up for the day, which works out, as i’ll see the replies when you are back.

RIght, that’s what I meant by the “if nothing else” in this part below:

He murdered the people he airbrushed but even if he didn’t do that, not to mention the other atrocities, the airbrushing alone would do it for me.

They’re both Ds so they’re way more alike than they are different.

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Unfrozen caveman CEO.

(edit: fake acct)

You realise that’s not him, right?

ah. well. nevertheless.

Do now. If only there were some means of verifying the identity of people on Twitter.

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Might as well be.

Some interesting Nord Stream details including new pictures and video. Lots of questions remain.

You can use Chrome’s translate feature to get a decent English version.

In its early phases, Ukraine’s counteroffensive is having less success and Russian forces are showing more competence than western assessments expected, two western officials and a senior US military official tell CNN.

The counteroffensive is “not meeting expectations on any front,” one of the officials said.

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