Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

The Russians aren’t getting pushed back? Since their partial mobilization in the fall, their shortened lines are pretty much stable and the only movement has been in Bakhmut, and that was slow and steady progress west. And there’s no way 30,000 Wagner soldiers are going to push the Ukrainians out of Bakhmut taking 7-1 casualties. Bakhmut is often compared to Verdun, well, the Germans took roughly the same casualties as the French and failed to take Verdun. I could buy the Russians taking Bakhmut with a Verdun casualty ratio. But if its a ratio significantly in Ukraine’s favor I just don’t buy it. The West is saying the Russians have lost 50,000 killed or something. BBC is scouring social media and obits in Russia and they’ve got like 22,000 confirmed Russians dead in Ukraine. Prigozin said that 10,000 Wagner regulars and 10,000 Wagner convicts were killed in Bakhmut. I’m skeptical of this, as he seems to often tell lies for public consumption exaggerating his losses and troubles. And with associated wounded, that would make the entire Wagner PMC enlistment dead or wounded. Which, there were American infantry divisions in WW2 that took 200-300% casualties and remained in action, but they had the whole recruitment and training apparatus behind them and could keep pouring trained men into the ranks. Wagner doesn’t have that sort of apparatus behind it I don’t think. In any case, take Prigozin’s dubious claim as truth. What ratio of Ukrainian casualties would cause a decimated Wagner to be able to drive out the Ukrainians? There were a lot of Ukrainian units in Bakhmut, and the casualties described in that New Yorker article, with a battalion being continuously bled white, doesn’t match with just a fraction of Wagner’s casualties.

Not great

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I gave you a thread to pull on and you keep pulling, so you seem to think it’s worth talking about.

I get it, Mearsheimer isn’t wrong and even if he is, he’s still right. Which is what pisses me off about “intellectuals” that bully and manipulate to win an argument. They pretend it’s about truth, but it’s not. Jordan Peterson is a clear example. Mearsheimer not so much but he still managed to push my buttons defending Putin and Russia in this war.

I explained this before in the case of Hersh. I don’t expect you to remember that. I don’t expect you to understand it either, because you’re too invested in these guys.

The grave omission of “in Bakhmut” in the 7-1 number? No of course I don’t think it’s important and said so the whole time. If you agree then great.

Mearsheimer being a bully is absurd. Who the fuck is he bullying? With what power? He presents his case and will listen politely to question after question, often hostile.

You don’t like Hersh and Mearshiemer because they call out and expose western propoganda that you’re attached to.

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So the number of posts you made about it is just indicative of how unimportant you think it is?

Mearsheimer being a bully is absurd.

Well I didn’t exactly say that, did I? You’re doing what Mearsheimer does.

Who the fuck is he bullying? With what power? He presents his case and will listen politely to question after question, often hostile.

Maybe bullying is too strong in JM’s case because he’s oh so gently manipulating his audience by implying they’re stupid if they believe “ludicrous” claim X he made up instead of totally reasonable Y, which he also made up. And it’s backed up not with fists but with credentials, titles, reputation, intellectual authority, and supposed wisdom. His case on Putin and the war is just bad. I’ll give him polite.

You don’t like Hersh and Mearshiemer because they call out and expose western propoganda that you’re attached to.

I have my biases but at least I’ve moved on from hero worship.

Hero worship? Fuck off guy.

John and Hersh simply call out western propaganda, much like RT News, and casting aspersions on them because they’re saying things you don’t like, says more about you than it does about them.

Keeed, I try to read all posts in this thread, but when I see one of your posts I hate read it. However, when it is more than 100 words I will skip it if it was from you. Word of advice is to keep your thoughts/ trolls to under 5 lines if you want to make people’s brain bleed.

(wrong thread)

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I don’t gaf if you read all or none of my posts. Eat shit.


Wow, so rude Keed.


There hasn’t been much reliable information that isn’t bad. Mixed news here.


Thank you


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I’m trying to keep in mind that most information is coming from Russian sources so it will tend to favor them.

can only find a yahoo link atm, but this storm shadow strike is most likely confirmed on tg.

This reminds me of the beginning of the Battle of Kherson: small but steady Ukrainian advances over a period of a couple months.

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