Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

just so we understand and get you on record, are you saying losses greater than any other army in the european theatre were necessary to defeat the wehrmacht?

Just tell me the answer you want to hear that will let you get back to masturbating, and I’ll say it. I stated what needed to be stated in the post above this one I’m replying to.

Also, who is we lol? I’d die happy if a stupid pussy ever even fathomed standing on his own two feet.

Do you want to be like those stupid cannon-fodder Orcs who need oceans of bodies to drown the enemy in their own blood, or do you want to be like John Rambo? Cowboy up, son.

Russia was so good at defeating the Nazis they also managed to take over Poland, E Germany, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, etc…and those grateful people damn well learned to speak Russian. Hell, the Nazi’s were so bad in the 30s that Stalin forced 6M Ukrainians into starvation.

bright eyes wonder? are you sure about that? stalin had issued an order to shoot anyone who refused to charge the germans with nothing but a shovel. he then executed many of his heroic generals, lest they head up a coup against the monster that he was.

is it inconvenient for you to consider that the red army was not well run, well equipped, or well trained? is it distasteful for you that nerdy pussies like me point out this bullshit dating back to stalinist repressions?

without the bs taking over your entire worldview, it would be quite clear that ‘de-nazifying’ ukraine, or “standing up” against the west is precisely MORE OF THE SAME bullshit. i’ve touched my grandfather’s Order of the Red Star, something he only wore when it was required, during a minute of silence on may 9th. that was it. noone spoke of their experience in the war, the horror was unspeakable. now i wish they said “Never again”, but that is a western phrase. in modern russia it is “можем повторить” (“we can repeat it”). That’s disgraceful!

If I was stroking myself whilst staring at an American Flag and typing a forum message with my toes (two-handed-stroke obv) it would probably have a shitload more typos than this at the very least, so kudos in that regard I suppose.

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No but srsly did you just do the most whatabouted whataboutism in the history of whats and abouts? Thats was fucking amazing.

I CALL YOUR millions of dead boys leaving behind orphaned pets and weeping mothers AND RAISE YOU a Stalin was a comical tyrant.

i am a russian-american immigrant, raised by grandparents who went through the war. tell me again how i minimized the soldiers’ deaths when i criticized the totalitarian regime that needlessly starved, executed, sent to the front millions of people, because it was all the tyrant knew how to do.

who do you think does that? is this your interpretation of Allied help to the USSR? e.g. “Katyusha” the eponymous soviet rocket launch system during ww2, was instrumental in liberating europe, but was only successful because it was mounted on Lend-Lease US-made trucks.

It’s funny to watch someone flail around when they realize they forgot some basic fact like how the Soviet’s and nazis were allies

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When I use the term “pussy” I include or omit all the necessary descriptors in front of it and I clearly do not recall putting “nerdy” in that position.

But since we’re here, are you one of the nerds who is smart and stuff or are you one of the nerds who likes to rape people a la the titular nerds in the Revenge Of The Nerds movies?

Ignore that post above; the answer, in line with the theme of this thread, is that you’re one of the nerds who likes The Star War and Bored Of The Rings. Good v Evil in all its glory.

“Minimized” was actually me reaching down deep to find all the charity I could muster. It actually sounds like you wanted the Nazis to win.

He’s consistent. He always roots for nazis against Russians.

And he taunts people with his username, because he knows voting won’t defeat the nazis he loves

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Any news on the actual counter offensive in the last 200 posts or just semantics about kill to death ratios with Keed and 6ix’s unhinged nonsense?

They weren’t arguing about the meanings of the terms, so it wasn’t semantics. But this was!

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OK, what is his evidence that it is bullshit?

omg. if this you reaching deep, no wonder you don’t know how to swimm. stay in the shallows. the deep end clearly isn’t for you.

What the fuck is going on here? I mean, keeed is annoying, but at least he’s on topic. The tragic nobility of the Red Army soldier is not.

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Again, the big error is to say that casualties in the war are 2:1 in favor of the Russians. The idea that the larger, better equipped force is inflicting higher casualties while steadily getting pushed back is not plausible. If casualties were tilted in favor of Russia, the war would be over and Russia would be in Kiev.