Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

It’s also a big reason the Soviet State failed, like, hey guys, do you think it’s simply that communizm iz dum and makes everybody poor or do you think maybe it’s more nuanced and is partly related to the Soviets having literally 10s of millions of their strong and able-bodied young men meet their maker to prevent VoteForSocialists (1) from having to eat fuhrerschnitzel for the rest of his life?

(1) A screenname so deliciously ironic it’s like staring at an eclipse.

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Apologies, when I added, “holy shit wtf point do you think you’re making here,” to the end of that post it was a whatchamacallit a rhetorical artistic flourish. Please don’t debase yourself and pretend you had a cogent point.

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you talking about WWII casualties that ended in 1945, a full 45 years before the soviet state failed and before ussr’s heyday? or the tens of millions the ussr killed throughout the 50s and 60s? or the tens of millions the ussr pushed out in the 70s and 80s?

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i love that it tilts you so much, that you have to concoct a reality in your head where i’m apparently supposed to idolize the soviet state. is that right?

That is an absolutly blistering 0-to-YouMad pace.

I have an analogy that is probably apt, that I’m going to paradoxically try to explain to you:

I don’t know how to swim. In fact, I can’t swim. I’m one of the minority whose body doesn’t float regardless of muscle/fat composition. I so thoroughly don’t know how to swim that I didn’t even know this was a thing until I was in my 20s. I didn’t realize that people were actually floating face down (or on their backs for the backstroke) and then moving their arms and legs to swim. I thought there was some secret arm and leg movement that prevented them from snap-sinking right to the bottom. So, when I jump in the deep end of a pool and start sinking and/or thrashing about and/or possibly drowning, I don’t look at the people looking at me and ask them, “Is this how you swim?”

For example,

every single one of the tens of millions of young men and boys who beat back the Nazi onslaught with their sweat and blood and lives, every single one, individually, had a life that was worth more than yours. And they’re not here talking with me on a message board forum. You are. The inanely obvious observation that I’m tilted puts it absolutely mildly.

haha, unbelievably, you got me. i’m here arguing that in fact wagner convicts don’t fight well, and more likely their commanders cheat and lie about it, and you are here just making sure noone talks shit about the horrible tactics they clearly inherited from some of the worst butchers of the 20th centure, because of the victims of that stupidity.

I’m not going to derail the thread so I’ll just say this, and it applies to all threads and all topics: You are in an actually very enviable spot because you have a perfect counter-indicator at your disposal; take whatever your predominant thoughts are, that you’ve typed, right before you’re about to click ‘reply’, even if you haven’t added ‘is that right?’, and just assume they are incorrect and not right.

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On that note, I’d highly recommend that the next piece of stupid shit you’re about to type gets deleted and replaced with, “Yeah, touche, good point. That was probably a bad example and phrased even worse. It was versus the fucking NAZIS after all, lol. Thanks.” Or just don’t reply at all.

learn to swim. seriously, probably the only thing that’s going to extend your lifetime, which you can then use to read more books about how the nazis got their start, and how they were ultimately defeated.

:thinking: Hrrmmm

edit: have you heard of treading water?

You’ll never guess how WW2 started

That’s amazing.

You certainly are providing an example of drowning the enemy in your own blood. You have the tenacity of 10 Orcs, sir.

My guess is the that the whole world was trying to murder your great-grandfather and end your bloodline for the good of the world, but that guess feels wrong.


Like, imagine a bunch of cats chasing a mouse in to a bag and then they just start fighting with each other as tends to happen in those situations.

Look here slick daddy, you’re not going to get me in trouble for an Official Derail. We can discuss these matters in an appropriate LC thread.

Short answer though, yes, but it doesn’t work as well (except to provide nice exercise) because my body doesn’t float.

It’s hard to be sure what was actually said here, because it’s a paraphrase of something that some random Ukrainian official said to some random Ukrainian paper that got translated into English.

EDIT: If you want to see what normal news sources were saying, it was things like:

The Ukrainians have used Bakhmut to inflict massive losses on the attacking force: by some estimates at a ratio of 7:1. There comes a moment when it is smarter to withdraw than suffer growing losses and the damaging blow to morale of seeing the surrender of hundreds and maybe thousands of surrounded Ukrainian soldiers.


zomg so dehumanizing. there is very good discussion among russian opposition groups (all currently in exile) discussing the Победобесие zombie virus that was spread via russian tv and gripped plenty of people. and it is true that we all grew up with a fairy tale of soviet victory, with hardly any help from the allies, and a collective amnesia that ussr fed and armed the rising german reich in the 30s. add to that the repressive laws of 2012-now which basically criminalize a critical view of soviet history.

but nome of that changes the inconvenient facts, like for example at the end of ‘44-45, when the war was almost won, stalin and zhukov sent a million soldiers to their death hoping to capture berlin agead of the allies, and score better territorial influence in the aftermath. and that only scratches the surface of their crimes, but amazingly it is completely analogous to what has been happening in bakhmut for 9 months now.

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Sure. And I don’t read Russian or Ukrainian, you don’t and Mearsheimer doesn’t. But how in the world is Mearsheimer failing to add the words “in Bakhmut” some sort of significant error? Assuming it is an error. It’s clear he would also think that Bakhmut specific number is bullshit.

Tens of millions of boys with hopes and dreams and complex inner lives, with pets whom they loved and mothers who loved them, died with bright-eyed wonder still glowing in their eyes, and you minimized that because you were so horny to do a gotcha on SenorKed. You should be absolutely fucking ashamed of yourself and this forum should be ashamed of itself for fostering an environment where you’d think it ok to casually type some shit like that.

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