Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I can think of a lot of redder lines than this one so idk what she’s talking about but regardless, hopefully it is confirmed as an accident and doesn’t lead to anything big in response.

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There were a lot of Americans on KAL-007

I was talking about the current conflict.

russia retrofitted s300 missiles to hit land targets. afair, ukraine did not retrofit them. anti-air rockets usually have mechanism that they would only explode in the air, not from ground impact after having missed.

i would venture a guess closest s300 to be in belarus and l’viv.

No surprises there

time to study

Look like Russia isn’t going to admit it, but it seems pretty clear that this was an accident and not Russia trying to start a war with Poland.

Not sure what the response from the West is for incidents like this, whether there’s sanctions or reparations they can insist on or other punitive measures.

Apparently there’s a K-pop band called Pentagon, so now when I click to see why “Pentagon” is trending I get this


NATO Article 4

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if only anyone warned the west that eventually rockets would be hitting not just ukraine but other countries. oh well, i guess noone really saw anything coming.

I thought Elon mandated that all parody accounts need to self-identify as such but I guess “Lib Lady Army Vet (ANTIFA)” didn’t get the memo

I detect sarcasm, but pretty sure this possibility came up here on week one. Maybe day one.

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it’s hard to joke at times like these

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I get these guys are military experts, but extreme lol at anyone thinking the Russian military knows how to aim their piss let alone a missile

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it will surprise exactly noone that solovyov, the main pro-putin propagandist, was talking about the logic of striking an airstrip in poland, as a way of reminding the west that russia has the big stick (nuclear) and can easily reach those countries.

julia davis will probably have the translation up sometime today

poland invokes article 4.

the weapons suck so much, the rockets missed 65 km into a whole other country.

Yes one of them somehow steered the other one.

Has it been confirmed the blast was indeed a missile and is indeed Russian? Plenty of other potential explanations too, I assume