Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

the response is first going to be to amass nato defensive capability on the border, and probably mobilize some troops. establish air control over the area.

there’s a nuance in the report

Asked to compare the scale of the abuses by both sides, Bogner said the mistreatment of Ukrainian prisoners by Russians was “fairly systematic” whereas she said it was “not systematic” for Ukraine to mistreat Russian soldiers.

Most of the abuses by Kyiv against Russian POWs were limited to three internment facilities, she said, and were more common during the initial phase of capture.


Does not appear to be good:

My guess would be both, in that order

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It’s obviously Russian, so if this is the defense it basically implicates them in doing it on purpose.

pro-ru channels have come out with a big dump of memes about explosions in poland. take it for what you will

Poland is already more than a little spicy than other NATO members here for obvious reasons. I could see them spite striking a Russian ship or two. Dangerous path to escalation right now

If civilians were killed it’s hard to imagine them not striking something tbh. Could you imagine the response if Russian missiles accidentally hit Alaska and killed a bunch of US fishermen?

They’re also fully within their rights to invoke Article 5. It seems like the best strategic response is giving Ukraine the absolute best we have in missile defense systems, and of course also making sure to deploy that in Poland. I could also see NATO forces going into Ukraine to backfill in a defensive/peace keeping role to allow them to deploy more of their own troops to the front.

There has to be a price here for Russia, but you also have to be careful not to drastically escalate.

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The rockets likely came from Belarussian territory. There could be a tit-for-tat strike there without directly attacking Russia.

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There’s been similar incidents when the us didn’t do anything in return

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I don’t believe that strike was intentional. Nevertheless Poland can’t ignore it just because it was an oopsie.


tomorrow is rammstein

I think this is the first time any citizens of NATO countries were killed, though.

Ukrainian MP calling for Article 5 to be invoked by Poland.

wait until they hear about school toilets for furries.


nato should/will deploy troops into a defensive posture on the border. they may strike missile sites if they see launches from belarus, although in last night case i read they launched from kaspian and rostov, belarus wasn’t mentioned.

but the point is that the bottom of the barrel of cruise missile reserve is going have a bigger failure rate, sometimes resulting in ‘mistakes’ like these. russia is still responsible for them.

btw, it appears lavrov left bali immediately after his two meetings and about an hour before cruise missiles for ukraine were launched. fucking war criminals all of them, and they know it.

Andrea Kramer says this has “crossed the red line of all red lines,” and there is a question as to whether it was deliberate or errant. Says the entire US government is mobilized to figure out exactly what happened and how to respond.

She says there’s a very big chance that this was could have been an accident, which would still be “terribly serious” but involve a different response.

Nothing earth shattering there.