Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I don’t have one, but is it common for instant pots to have access codes?

Like…why? Is there an epidemic of soup and rice thefts going on?

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It just has a keypad on it so you can enter times and such.


Ah gotcha

And the lid can lock in place when used a pressure cooker

Fucking infuriating


To be fair to that Russian soldier, I had never heard of an Instant Pot 3 years ago. (And having worked with pressure vessels and watching my friend open the valve on hers, I was somewhat apprehensive about getting one. There must be tons of people out there burning themselves with these things.)

My rice cooker sings to me, which makes me way more happy than it should.


NATO gave them no choice

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100 cruise missiles today. oct 10th attack was 84.

revised to 85.

Russia had said it was pulling its forces across the Dnipro to the opposite bank, where they could better defend captured territory including the approaches to the strategic Crimea peninsula, which Russia has held since 2014.

But in video filmed in Oleshky, across the river from Kherson on the main highway two hours’ drive to Crimea, there was no sign of any Russian presence.

A driver raced down the deserted main road for miles at high speed without encountering a single Russian checkpoint or flag. Several bunkers set up along the road appeared to have been abandoned. The location of the video was confirmed by Reuters based on visible landmarks.

How’d you like to do that cannonball run, eh?

Russian rockets killing people on NATO territory :flushed:



i do not see anything official on this yet

Markets seem to be reacting as if it were

Not sure if WWIII kicking off would cause the markets to crash or spike, tbqh.


I mean this seems to be right to me. Poland aint going to march troops through the dead of winter though Ukraine to fight Russia and Germany and France aren’t ready for WW3, so we’re going to get some words and that’s about it.

yeah it’s probably super breaking. one ua channel wrote about it, linking polish news. pro-RU telegram channels are fanning it as fake. they say that the “miss” is too far of course to be russian, or modern equipment. thus they conclude that it must be UA launched, and that polish anti-air defenses are shit.

sounds like russia probably did it