Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

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A thought on why it makes sense to attack the Kinburn peninsula: When the attacks in the South with Iranian drones began some OSInt sleuths pointed to it as a likely location from where the drones take off.

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lost in all of the other war news was a report how nato training exercises occurred in norway. oleg zhdanov noted that usaf demonstrated himars-like rocket packages that were deployed from cargo transporters via parachute and which launched with precision targets while in mid air.

turns out nato could strike all of russia’s western flank with from hundreds of miles away out the back hatch of almost any C-17.

btw brace yourselves for next couple of days. war crimes in kherson are going to start getting publicized.


yeah it’s going to be bad, they’re proud of the sledgehammer video.

Long thread here, talks a lot about things discussed here

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Why would you want to do this? This seems like a very complicated and vulnerable way to launch a missile from a plane.

it’s shot by the other old alcoholic maria zakharova. MoF press sec. cause she’d never miss an opportunity to post a suggestion she banged an important war criminal.

also in russia, lavrov’s simply referred to as a horse, on account of the long face. which brings us to


Hell if I know. Maybe he went to have something simple addressed. Maybe it was actually one of his aides that had an issue and people were confused. Maybe he wanted to check it out in case Bali needs to be annexed and they want to target the hospitals.

well, russian channels and some ukranian heads are now saying that Kinburn Spit indeed under AFU control, as well as ukranian units fighting in Oleshki on left bank of Dniepro across from Kherson.




it probably turns out to be a much cheaper way to deploy missiles compared to bombers. there are a lot more cargo planes in the force than bombers. speculatively c-17 can carry 5 6-missile sets at once. that’s 30 himars rockets each with a precision target from hundreds of miles away from any air-defense, which would be overwhelmed with targets anyway. from an existing military asset that had no offensive capabilities before. article from 2020.

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I have an Instant Pot because I’m lazy but now I feel rich too.

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Enough smoke on Twitter to make it seem like lots of things happening on that peninsula

Lol at the idea of Latvia need to use bus benches for Firewood.

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